Upward Bound: First year. Воробьева М.Г - 10 стр.


— 10 —
to lack fluency ãîâîðèòü ìåäëåííî (íå õâàòàåò
to help smb. with grammar (in smb’s work)
to give a mark (credit) ïîñòàâèòü îöåíêó, çà÷åò
to get a mark (a five, a four) in a subject (for a paper)
a test paper in grammar
VII. a student ñòóäåíò (Br); ñòóäåíò, øêîëüíèê
ñòàðøèõ êëàññîâ, ó÷àùèéñÿ
an undergraduate ñòóäåíò (Br)
a graduate âûïóñêíèê, îêîí÷èâøèé ÂÓÇ
a post-graduate àñïèðàíò
a faculty ôàêóëüòåò
a department îòäåëåíèå
Bachelor of Arts (BA) (a title for someone who has) a first
university degree = áàêàëàâð èñ-
êóññòâ (ãóìàíèòàðíûõ íàóê)
Bachelor of Science (BSc)— (a title for someone who has) a first
university degree in a science
subject = áàêàëàâð íàóê (åñòå-
Master of Arts (MA) (a title for someone who has) a
university degree at the first level
above the BA = ìàãèñòð èñêóññòâ
(ãóìàíèòàðíûõ íàóê)
Master of Science (MSc)— (a title for someone who has) a
university degree in science at the
first level above the BSc = ìàãèñòð
íàóê (åñòåñòâåííî- ìàòåìàòè-
Ex. 1. Translate the sentences into Russian. Be ready to give their
back translation.
1. Education is compulsory for all children in Britain between
the ages of 5 and 16.
2. She’s a full-time student at the University.