Upward Bound: First year. Воробьева М.Г - 178 стр.


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as if «inviting» it to their lands. The first green leaves on the trees
were usually met by singing and dancing in round.
August, the last month of the summer season, when the harvest
is sown, is usually celebrated by three holidays called «Spas» in
Russia. The first «Spas» is called Honey Spas (August 14); The second
«Spas» is called Apple Spas (August 19); The third one is called Nut
Spas (August 29). Spas brings cold dew to lands and meadows. After
the first Spas honey is collected, the second Spas brings fresh fruit
and the third one, nuts.
Ex. 2. Explain the meaning of the following words.
Yule-tide, Kolyadki, Lady Kolayda, Pancake week, Red
Hill, spas.
Think of the traditions and customs connected with these events.
Prepare a 3-4 minute talk about them. (Illustrate your answer with
examples such as songs, games, etc.)
Ex. 3. Sum up the given above information and find some more
interesting facts, examples, holidays. Be ready to speak on
the topics:
1. Religious holidays and festivals in Russia.
2. Public holidays in Russia.
3. Customs and traditions of celebrating some of the holidays
in Russia.
4. My favourite Russian holiday.
Ex. 1. Listen to Vivien and Thomas talking about holidays in
Great Britain and in Hungary. Find English equivalents of
the following words.
Õîäèòü â öåðêîâü, íà ñâàäüáó èëè ïîõîðîíû, öåðêîâíàÿ
ñëóæáà, ïèðîã ñ ìàêîì, ðóëåò ñ ãðåöêèì îðåõîì è ìåäîì, Äåä
Ìîðîç, õîëîäíûå çàêóñêè, øàðàäà, âíîñèòü ïèðîã ãîðÿùèì â
êîìíàòó, ñûòûé, óðîæàé, äåíü âåñåííåãî/çèìíåãî ðàâíîäåí-
ñòâèÿ, ïëîäîðîäèå, âîññòàíèå, ïîðîõ, âûïóñêàòü âîçäóõ èç êî-
ëåñ ìàøèíû, ïðîöâåòàíèå.