Учебные задания для развития умений аудирования на базе аудиотекстов "Streamline English"для студентов I и II курса всех специальностей (часть V). Абармитова Б.В - 14 стр.


Reduce taxes _______ _________ ______ ______
become richer
3) Listen to the third speaker and say what he would do.
a) He would stimulate food production
b) He would buy military equipment
c) He would discourage the farmers to produce more food
d) He would build more motorways
4) Listen to the last speaker and say what worries him most
a) Even policemen don’t feel safe on the streets
b) There is too much violence on TV
c) More and more old people are being attacked on the streets
d) The old age pensions are too low
Unit 73. Mad Killer Strikes Again.
I. See if you know these words:
a bomb [bom] explosion – взрыв бомбы
to be in charge of smth – быть за старшего, командовать, руководить
an investigation – расследование
clues – улики, нити расследования
a murder – убийство
an operating theatre – операционная
revenge – месть
to commit suicide – покончить жизнь самоубийством
victim – жертва
II. You will hear a radio report telling how the police of Los
Angelos put an end to murders in their city. Listen to the beginning of
the report up to the conversation and choose the true newspaper
headlines from the list below:
III. Listen to the phone call and say why the second speaker phoned
the detective:
a) to say that the killer had threatened to kill one doctor each day.
b) to say that one more doctor had been killed.
c) to say that the police should take urgent measures to catch the killer.
d) to say that the whole city was frightened by bomb explosions.
IV. What searching measures do you think the detective will take?
Make up a list of measures and compare it with another student’s.
Listen to dialogues between the detective and his subordinate; the
detective and a doctor. Check your answers.
V. Why do you think the man killed doctors? Share your
suppositions with other students. Listen to the last part of the report and
check your answers.
VI. Listen to the last part of the report and choose the right answers
to the questions given below:
1. How was the killer found?
a) The police went to his house he had lived in and found out his new
b) Somebody saw him not far from the hospital and phoned the police.
c) Somebody phoned the police and said where the killer lived.
d) Policemen saw the man putting explosives into the car.
2. How did the story end?
Reduce taxes → _______→ _________ → ______→ ______ →                      b) “THE FIFTH CAR EXPLODED THIS YEAR!”
become richer                                                             c) “JOURNALISTS HAVE RECEIVED A WARNING LETTER!”
                                                                          d) “ANOTHER DOCTOR FOUND SHOT!”
3) Listen to the third speaker and say what he would do.                  e) “A THREAT OF BOMB EXPLOSION IN THE CENTRAL
   a) He would stimulate food production                                  HOSPITAL!
   b) He would buy military equipment                                     f) “DETECTIVE LEO LASKIE KNOWS THE KILLER!”
   c) He would discourage the farmers to produce more food
   d) He would build more motorways                                       III.    Listen to the phone call and say why the second speaker phoned
                                                                          the detective:
4) Listen to the last speaker and say what worries him most               a) to say that the killer had threatened to kill one doctor each day.
   a) Even policemen don’t feel safe on the streets                       b) to say that one more doctor had been killed.
   b) There is too much violence on TV                                    c) to say that the police should take urgent measures to catch the killer.
   c) More and more old people are being attacked on the streets          d) to say that the whole city was frightened by bomb explosions.
   d) The old age pensions are too low
                                                                          IV.     What searching measures do you think the detective will take?
                                                                          Make up a list of measures and compare it with another student’s.
                 Unit 73. Mad Killer Strikes Again.                       Listen to dialogues between the detective and his subordinate; the
                                                                          detective and a doctor. Check your answers.
I.       See if you know these words:
a bomb [bom] explosion – взрыв бомбы                                      V.     Why do you think the man killed doctors? Share your
to be in charge of smth – быть за старшего, командовать, руководить       suppositions with other students. Listen to the last part of the report and
an investigation – расследование                                          check your answers.
clues – улики, нити расследования
a murder – убийство                                                       VI.     Listen to the last part of the report and choose the right answers
an operating theatre – операционная                                       to the questions given below:
revenge – месть
to commit suicide – покончить жизнь самоубийством                         1. How was the killer found?
victim – жертва                                                           a) The police went to his house he had lived in and found out his new
II.     You will hear a radio report telling how the police of Los        b) Somebody saw him not far from the hospital and phoned the police.
Angelos put an end to murders in their city. Listen to the beginning of   c) Somebody phoned the police and said where the killer lived.
the report up to the conversation and choose the true newspaper           d) Policemen saw the man putting explosives into the car.
headlines from the list below:
a) “DOCTORS ARE THREATENED TO DEATH!”                                     2. How did the story end?