1. Write about students' cheating in exams in the style of one of
genres below:
2. Read your pieces of writing to
the class and compare them. Do
they have a lot in common?
3. What features of each
genre can you distinguish?
Functional Styles
Functional Style is a system of interrelated language means,
which serves a definite aim in communication. Each style is recog-
nised as an independent whole. The peculiar choice of language means
is primarily dependent on the aim of the communication, on the func-
tion the style performs.
As a matter of fact there exist a number of classifications of
functional styles, but the most common one was introduced by I. R.
Galperin. It includes the belles-lettres style, the publicistic style, the
newspaper style, the scientific prose style, and the style of official
documents. All of them, though, can be further subdivided.
Note1. There is no unanimous opinion on the problem of distin-
guishing the belles-style as a separate one on the ground that fiction is
in fact individual creative work of a writer who makes use of all the
subsystems of the language – both the norm with its functional styles
and regional and social varieties (slang, jargon, dialects). Colloquial
style is also a problem – it is a controversial issue, as it may include
different features of different styles.
. While analysing a text and referring it to a particular
style or a substyle, one should bear in mind that style divisions do not
coincide in different languages (as a result of tradition, language struc-
ture and some other grounds). Thus, a scientific text in English would
sound like a popular-scientific one in Russian. It is especially tangible
in text headlines (e.g. Good Birds and Better Birds for an article in
cognitive science)
In English-speaking tradition in this respect it is more common
to differentiate between two types of discourse – scientific and jour-
nalistic writing, the main basis for differentiation there being the type
of the addressee – a specialist and a general reader respectively. Then
texts can be further subdivided according to the topic they discuss into
economic, social, political and other types of discourse.
The difference between the journalistic and scientific writing
can be also seen in the structure of statements that underlie the text –
radial or chain (or concatenation).
UNIT 1 Note1. There is no unanimous opinion on the problem of distin- INTRODUCTION guishing the belles-style as a separate one on the ground that fiction is in fact individual creative work of a writer who makes use of all the subsystems of the language – both the norm with its functional styles 1. Write about students' cheating in exams in the style of one of and regional and social varieties (slang, jargon, dialects). Colloquial genres below: style is also a problem – it is a controversial issue, as it may include different features of different styles. Scientific Note2. While analysing a text and referring it to a particular Prose style or a substyle, one should bear in mind that style divisions do not Ad Oratorical coincide in different languages (as a result of tradition, language struc- Speech ture and some other grounds). Thus, a scientific text in English would Essay Fairy-tale sound like a popular-scientific one in Russian. It is especially tangible Newspaper in text headlines (e.g. Good Birds and Better Birds for an article in Newspaper cognitive science) Headline Article Official Document In English-speaking tradition in this respect it is more common to differentiate between two types of discourse – scientific and jour- nalistic writing, the main basis for differentiation there being the type 2. Read your pieces of writing to 3. What features of each of the addressee – a specialist and a general reader respectively. Then the class and compare them. Do genre can you distinguish? texts can be further subdivided according to the topic they discuss into they have a lot in common? economic, social, political and other types of discourse. The difference between the journalistic and scientific writing Functional Styles can be also seen in the structure of statements that underlie the text – radial or chain (or concatenation). Functional Style is a system of interrelated language means, which serves a definite aim in communication. Each style is recog- supporting nised as an independent whole. The peculiar choice of language means statements is primarily dependent on the aim of the communication, on the func- tion the style performs. As a matter of fact there exist a number of classifications of Thesis functional styles, but the most common one was introduced by I. R. statement supporting supporting Galperin. It includes the belles-lettres style, the publicistic style, the statements statements newspaper style, the scientific prose style, and the style of official documents. All of them, though, can be further subdivided. 5 6