Английский язык. - 26 стр.


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I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered:
messengers - посланцы
subsidiaries - филиалы
metal-cutting lathes - металлорежущие станки
forge presses - кузнечно-прессовые машины
technical carbon - технический углерод
steam-boilers - паровые котлы
tyres - шины
engines for machinery - двигатели для машин
machines - станки
radio equipment - радиооборудование
cotton and synthetic fibres - хлопок и синтетические волокна
chemical and textile goods - химические и текстильные изделия
foot-wear - обувь
home appliances - предметы домашнего обихода
furniture - мебель
matches - спички
faceted diamonds - изделия из алмазов
lawyer - юрист
the Puppet Theatre - кукольный театр
the Young Spectator’s Theatre - молодежный театр
to mark the 100th anniversary - отмечать
to house masterpieces - находятся шедевры
to render services - оказывать услуги
track-and-field hall - легкоатлетический манеж
II. Read, translate and retell the text:
Barnaul is the capital of the Altai Region. It stands on the left bank of
the great Siberian river Ob. It was founded in 1730 by messengers of the
Urals factory-owner Akinfy Demidov as the centre of mining industry.
Since 1771 it has got the city status.
In former times the development of Barnaul was strongly influenced
by the culture of St.Petersburg. History of Barnaul is connected with the life
of many celebrities: Ivan Polzunov - a talented mechanics engineer, who
invented and built a steam engine, Kozma and Peter Frolov-talented
engineers, P.P.Anosov-metallurgist, N.M.Yadrintzev-writer, archeologist
and explorer of the Central Asia, V.Ya. Shishkov - engineer and writer etc.
I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered:
messengers                      -       посланцы
subsidiaries                    -       филиалы
 metal-cutting lathes           -       металлорежущие станки
 forge presses                  -       кузнечно-прессовые машины
 technical carbon               -       технический углерод
 steam-boilers                  -       паровые котлы
 tyres                          -       шины
 engines for machinery          -       двигатели для машин
 machines                       -       станки
 radio equipment                -       радиооборудование
 cotton and synthetic fibres    -       хлопок и синтетические волокна
 chemical and textile goods     -       химические и текстильные изделия
 foot-wear                      -       обувь
 home appliances                -       предметы домашнего обихода
 furniture                      -       мебель
 matches                        -       спички
 faceted diamonds               -       изделия из алмазов
 lawyer                         -       юрист
 the Puppet Theatre             -       кукольный театр
 the Young Spectator’s Theatre  -       молодежный театр
 to mark the 100th anniversary  -       отмечать годовщину
 to house masterpieces          -       находятся шедевры
 to render services             -       оказывать услуги
 track-and-field hall           -       легкоатлетический манеж

II. Read, translate and retell the text:
     Barnaul is the capital of the Altai Region. It stands on the left bank of
the great Siberian river Ob. It was founded in 1730 by messengers of the
Urals factory-owner Akinfy Demidov as the centre of mining industry.
Since 1771 it has got the city status.
      In former times the development of Barnaul was strongly influenced
by the culture of St.Petersburg. History of Barnaul is connected with the life
of many celebrities: Ivan Polzunov - a talented mechanics engineer, who
invented and built a steam engine, Kozma and Peter Frolov-talented
engineers, P.P.Anosov-metallurgist, N.M.Yadrintzev-writer, archeologist
and explorer of the Central Asia, V.Ya. Shishkov - engineer and writer etc.


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