Then, partly because of their civilian status and partly as a safeguard against the possible abuse of their power, the police are
unarmed. It is almost impossible to exaggerate the good, which Britain has gained from insistence on this principle. The fact that the
policeman is discouraged from using force means that he must do his work by tact and persuasion. Blustering or shouting only makes
a British crowd laugh or jeer, and the policeman learns that good humour is essential if he is to do his work well.
Finally, each policeman is individually responsible for his actions, and his powers must be clearly defined and limited. Neither
principle needs much explanation. If each policeman did not have individual responsibility, it would mean that the police would be a
paramilitary organisation of a sort known only too well in totalitarian countries. For the same reason, their powers of arrest, of search,
and of questioning the public must be determined and restricted.
The usefulness of the police depends on the ability of the constable on the beat or in the patrol car. It is to him that the citizen in
trouble first turns, and it is on his efficiency that the prevention of crime and the arrest of criminals primarily depends. The policeman
is an independent agent, and though there are of course occasions when two or more policemen work together, for the most part he
does his work alone.
The prevention of crime is the main task of the uniform police.
Task 1. Find English equivalents of the following words and expressions in the text:
- угроза свободы личности,
- выполняют разные аспекты одной и той же работы,
- предотвращение и расследование преступлений,
- уникальное преимущество,
- им помогают, а не мешают,
- уважают и доверяют,
- незаконное проникновение в частное жилище,
- невозможно переоценить то положительное …,
- такт и убеждение,
- его полномочия должны быть определены и ограничены,
- личная ответственность,
- их полномочия на арест, обыск и допрос.
Task 2. Find synonyms of the following words and expressions in the text.
- person,
- fulfil the investigation of crime,
- common people,
- the main idea,
- restricted.
Task 3. Answer the questions.
1. What two different aspects of the same work do the uniform police and detectives carry out?
2. What is the organisation within each police force?
3. Why are the British police considered to be one of the best?
4. Each policeman is individually responsible for his actions. How do you understand this?
5. What is the main task of the uniform police?
6. What features of character are absolutely necessery for a successful work of a policeman?
7. British policemen are unarmed. What do you think of this? Is it advantage or disadvantage?
Task 4. Focus on writing and discussion.
Do you agree with the statement that people get the government they deserve and that people get the police force they deserve?
Text 3. The chief task of the uniform branch
The chief task of the uniform branch, however, is the prevention of crime, and to this end most of their efforts are directed.
Towards the end of 1948, when the shortage of policemen was acute, the chief constable of a county force decided to close down
one of his village police stations and to cover the area normally patrolled on foot by the village constable by occasional visits of a
police car instead. He chose this particular village for the experiment because for some years it had been quite free from crime and,
superficially at least, it seemed to be an unnecessary extravagance of manpower to have a policeman stationed there.
During the next three months the village suffered from what was almost an epidemic of crime. There was one petty offence after
another, and the calls for police help were so frequent that the chief constable was obliged to restore a resident constable in the
village. The amount of crime decreased at once, and before long the village regained its former peace.
Few experiments could have shown more clearly how effectively the mere presence of a constable could prevent crime. It is an
established fact that thieves are seldom stopped from stealing by the thought of the punishment. The sight of a constable on patrol, on
the other hand, will make the boldest of criminals hesitate and will drive away altogether the casual thief, the man who simply looks
around for a suitable crib to crack. The prevention of crime, in fact, depends fundamentally on the visible presence of a uniformed
policeman. The principle is accepted in every police force throughout the country, and the method used for putting the principle into
practice is the ‘beat’ system.
Task 1. Choose the right synonym.
- too many (much)
- too few (little)
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