Английский язык. Барабанова Н.Е - 33 стр.


III. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык,
обращая внимание на различные значения выделенных слов.
1 .As for the computer it can handle enormous quantity of data per
2.Computers are used both for scientific research and in language
3.The translation is done either by a computer or by a man.
4. Due to their large storage capacity and response computers of the last
generation make scientific research more efficient and effective.
5.Because of the necessity to conduct fast technical calculations, fast
acting electronic computers came into practical application in atomic
technique, aviation and cosmonautics.
IV. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык с 1-го по 5- й
абзацы текста. Перепишите и переведите письменно 2 и 3 абзацы
1. When Charles Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge
University invented the first calculating machine in 1812 he could hardly
have imagined the situation in which we find ourselves today. Nearly
everything that a man does in a modern world is helped or even controlled
by computers, the complicated decedent of this simple machine.
2.Computers are used nowadays for different purposes. Computers have
been already introduced in about 2000 spheres of human activity. One of the
scientists noticed that a man who cannot operate a computer is comparable
with a man of the beginning of the 20
century who could neither read nor
3.The necessity to conduct extremely fast technical calculations
primarily in atomic technique, in aviation, rocketry and cosmonautics has
led to The development of fast acting electronic computers. Computers are
widely used in such fields as economics, planning and management of
production. They can pay wages, reserve seats on planes, work out
tomorrow's weather and even play chess, write poetry or compose music.
One should remember that the wide use of computers signifies a further
advance in industry.
4.In philology computers arc already used for several decades. They are
used both for the intensification of scientific research and in language
teaching. To prepare teaching programs linguistic material should be
computered for leaching purposes.
5. Another field in which (.he use of computers has become traditional
is machine translation. The history of computer translation dates back to (he
of the 20
century. From that time on computer translation is developed
both in our country and abroad. To translate a text a translator either relies
on a computer using automatic dictionaries or participates in the process of
translation done by a computer.
V. Прочтите 4 абзац текста и вопрос к нему. Из приведенных ниже
вариантов укажите номер, содержащий ответ на данный вопрос:
What should be done to prepare teaching programs?
1.to use special dictionaries
2.to organize material in a special way
3.to computer linguistic material
     III. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык,                teaching. To prepare teaching programs linguistic material should be
обращая внимание на различные значения выделенных слов.                          computered for leaching purposes.
     1 .As for the computer it can handle enormous quantity of data per               5. Another field in which (.he use of computers has become traditional
second.                                                                          is machine translation. The history of computer translation dates back to (he
     2.Computers are used both for scientific research and in language           40s of the 20th century. From that time on computer translation is developed
leaching.                                                                        both in our country and abroad. To translate a text a translator either relies
     3.The translation is done either by a computer or by a man.                 on a computer using automatic dictionaries or participates in the process of
     4. Due to their large storage capacity and response computers of the last   translation done by a computer.
generation make scientific research more efficient and effective.
      5.Because of the necessity to conduct fast technical calculations, fast        V. Прочтите 4 абзац текста и вопрос к нему. Из приведенных ниже
acting electronic computers came into practical application in atomic            вариантов укажите номер, содержащий ответ на данный вопрос:
technique, aviation and cosmonautics.                                                What should be done to prepare teaching programs?
                                                                                     1.to use special dictionaries
    IV. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык с 1-го по 5- й                   2.to organize material in a special way
абзацы текста. Перепишите и переведите письменно 2 и 3 абзацы                        3.to computer linguistic material

     1. When Charles Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge
University invented the first calculating machine in 1812 he could hardly
have imagined the situation in which we find ourselves today. Nearly
everything that a man does in a modern world is helped or even controlled
by computers, the complicated decedent of this simple machine.
     2.Computers are used nowadays for different purposes. Computers have
been already introduced in about 2000 spheres of human activity. One of the
scientists noticed that a man who cannot operate a computer is comparable
with a man of the beginning of the 20th century who could neither read nor
     3.The necessity to conduct extremely fast technical calculations
primarily in atomic technique, in aviation, rocketry and cosmonautics has
led to The development of fast acting electronic computers. Computers are
widely used in such fields as economics, planning and management of
production. They can pay wages, reserve seats on planes, work out
tomorrow's weather and even play chess, write poetry or compose music.
One should remember that the wide use of computers signifies a further
advance in industry.
     4.In philology computers arc already used for several decades. They are
used both for the intensification of scientific research and in language