Enjoy Rendering!: Сборник текстов для перевода и реферирования. Батурина С.А. - 8 стр.



Write on
Just as the introduction of the printing
press in Europe in the late 15th century led
many scribes of the time into a state of unem-
ployed despair, so the more recent spread of
the computer – whose typefaces can reproduce
calligraphic designs of enormous variety – has
made many latter-day scribes redundant Nev-
ertheless, calligraphy as an art is still alive –
both in its three traditional forms, based on
Chinese, Roman and Arabic scripts, and in
experimental new departures.
For most people in the West, pride in penmanship is rare nowa-
days; however, in eastern countries good handwriting is still steadfastly
taught in schools. China's Chairman Mao aspired to write out his own
mediocre poems in a jagged script. And modern calligraphic master-
pieces in Japan can sometimes fetch as much as a small Picasso paint-
Oriental calligraphers (who work with the brush rather than the
pen) study and copy the output of their great forerunners and work
within the same rigorous limits. Varying effects are created by holding
the brush at different angles, and no mistakes can be altered or erased.
After Mao's death in 1976, however, a new generation in China
dared to use calligraphy in avant garde as well as traditional ways. And
in Japan, at least one modern Japanese master, Ogawa Toshu, has also
rejected the old limits. One of his calligraphic drawings, using' the
characters for "Nesting Crane", depicts eyes at the heart of an ink
storm; the artist says that it represents a mother crane who is protecting
her young in a blizzard.
Western and Arabic calligraphy is based on the pen (though the
brush was employed for illuminating manuscripts). Medieval Christian
monks preferred to use a quill, made from goose or swan feathers, and
modern secular calligraphers often use the same antiquarian tool. Is-
lamic calligraphers preferred pens cut from dried reeds, as they still do
Later Christian craftsmen were usually clerks whose business
was to make copies of the Bible in acceptable, workmanlike fashion.
Islamic calligraphy, on the other hand, has always been perceived as a
meditative, even mystical exercise; the scribe has to make himself or
herself (many Arabic calligraphers have been women) ritually pure be-
fore they set about transcribing from the Koran.
The best 20th-century calligraphers in the West are powerfully
painterly. And their inspiration, as in the case of Mark Tobey, an
American Expressionist who studied calligraphy at a Zen monastery in
Japan, is usually oriental and (sometimes) Islamic.
Hans-Joachim Burgert, a German master, believes that calligra-
phy is now free to discover its own underlying, primitive forms. His
spirited brushwork in English of the words "Unknown Branches", in
which the letters tumble and sway like a tree in a tempest, hovers pro-
vocatively on the borders of illegibility.
1. Vocabulary notes:
1) scribe – писец, переписчик
2) despair – отчаяние, источник огорчения, безысходность
3) typefaces – печатные литеры
4) departure – отклонение, направление, курс
5) penmanship – каллиграфия, чистописание
6) steadfastly – упорно, прочно
7) rigorous – строгий, точный, неукоснительный
8) “Nesting Crane” – «Журавль, вьющий гнездо»
9) blizzard – метель, буран, буря
10) quill – птичье (гусиное) перо
11) secular – зд. светский, нецерковный
12) reed – тростник, камыш
13) workmanlike – искусно
14) meditative – созерцательный
15) painterly – живописный, относящийся к живописи
16) underlying – лежащий в основе,
18) spirited – смелый, задорный, выразительный
19) tumble – валяться, метаться, кувыркаться
20) sway – качаться, раскачиваться
21) tempest – буря
22) hover – парить, зависать, болтаться
                                Write on                                      Islamic calligraphy, on the other hand, has always been perceived as a
                                                                              meditative, even mystical exercise; the scribe has to make himself or
                                  Just as the introduction of the printing    herself (many Arabic calligraphers have been women) ritually pure be-
                          press in Europe in the late 15th century led        fore they set about transcribing from the Koran.
                          many scribes of the time into a state of unem-             The best 20th-century calligraphers in the West are powerfully
                          ployed despair, so the more recent spread of        painterly. And their inspiration, as in the case of Mark Tobey, an
                          the computer – whose typefaces can reproduce        American Expressionist who studied calligraphy at a Zen monastery in
                          calligraphic designs of enormous variety – has      Japan, is usually oriental and (sometimes) Islamic.
                          made many latter-day scribes redundant Nev-                Hans-Joachim Burgert, a German master, believes that calligra-
                          ertheless, calligraphy as an art is still alive –   phy is now free to discover its own underlying, primitive forms. His
                          both in its three traditional forms, based on       spirited brushwork in English of the words "Unknown Branches", in
                          Chinese, Roman and Arabic scripts, and in           which the letters tumble and sway like a tree in a tempest, hovers pro-
                          experimental new departures.                        vocatively on the borders of illegibility.
       For most people in the West, pride in penmanship is rare nowa-
days; however, in eastern countries good handwriting is still steadfastly           1. Vocabulary notes:
taught in schools. China's Chairman Mao aspired to write out his own                1) scribe – писец, переписчик
mediocre poems in a jagged script. And modern calligraphic master-                  2) despair – отчаяние, источник огорчения, безысходность
pieces in Japan can sometimes fetch as much as a small Picasso paint-               3) typefaces – печатные литеры
ing.                                                                                4) departure – отклонение, направление, курс
       Oriental calligraphers (who work with the brush rather than the              5) penmanship – каллиграфия, чистописание
pen) study and copy the output of their great forerunners and work                  6) steadfastly – упорно, прочно
within the same rigorous limits. Varying effects are created by holding             7) rigorous – строгий, точный, неукоснительный
the brush at different angles, and no mistakes can be altered or erased.            8) “Nesting Crane” – «Журавль, вьющий гнездо»
       After Mao's death in 1976, however, a new generation in China                9) blizzard – метель, буран, буря
dared to use calligraphy in avant garde as well as traditional ways. And            10) quill – птичье (гусиное) перо
in Japan, at least one modern Japanese master, Ogawa Toshu, has also                11) secular – зд. светский, нецерковный
rejected the old limits. One of his calligraphic drawings, using' the               12) reed – тростник, камыш
characters for "Nesting Crane", depicts eyes at the heart of an ink                 13) workmanlike – искусно
storm; the artist says that it represents a mother crane who is protecting          14) meditative – созерцательный
her young in a blizzard.                                                            15) painterly – живописный, относящийся к живописи
       Western and Arabic calligraphy is based on the pen (though the               16) underlying – лежащий в основе, основной
brush was employed for illuminating manuscripts). Medieval Christian                18) spirited – смелый, задорный, выразительный
monks preferred to use a quill, made from goose or swan feathers, and               19) tumble – валяться, метаться, кувыркаться
modern secular calligraphers often use the same antiquarian tool. Is-               20) sway – качаться, раскачиваться
lamic calligraphers preferred pens cut from dried reeds, as they still do           21) tempest – буря
today.                                                                              22) hover – парить, зависать, болтаться
       Later Christian craftsmen were usually clerks whose business
was to make copies of the Bible in acceptable, workmanlike fashion.
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