Business insights. Баутина И.В - 17 стр.


You have a very definite idea of how much money you want to earn.
As you sit down, you tell the interviewer you are really nervous.
Your interviewer is uncomfortable looking you in the eye, so you avoid his
gaze and look elsewhere as you talk to him.
You go to the interview with some notes on how you would develop their
product or some idea of improving customer service.
Your interviewer has not prepared very interesting questions. You take the
opportunity to direct the interview in your own way.
You make a list of questions you want to ask the interviewer.
You meditate for half an hour before leaving for your job interview.
Before sending off your letter of application, you show it to a few friends for
their comments.
You find out which newspaper carries ads for the kind of work you’re looking
for, and study the columns regularly.
You ask some friends to practice the interview situation with you before the
big day.
You wear very flattering clothes for your job interview although the
waistband pinches and you feel uncomfortable.
You decide to wear your most comfortable clothes for the job interview
although they are not very smart.
You have a small whisky before you leave for your interview, to calm your
You make it clear to a prospective employer that you have a number of other
interesting interviews lined up.
When the interviewer asks you ‘What job would you like to be doing in ten
years’ time?’, your answer is ‘Your job!’.
V Project work. Work in groups.
Delaney is a Dublin-based call centre working for a major car-hire company.
Delaney employs 240 full-time and part-time agents. The car-hire company has
centralized most of its European operations to this call centre.
The company needs to recruit new people. You are members of the interviewing
team. Write the job description for the position. Discuss and decide what experience,
skills, abilities and personal qualities are important for candidates. Define what they
will be responsible for.
   • You have a very definite idea of how much money you want to earn.
   • As you sit down, you tell the interviewer you are really nervous.
   • Your interviewer is uncomfortable looking you in the eye, so you avoid his
     gaze and look elsewhere as you talk to him.
   • You go to the interview with some notes on how you would develop their
     product or some idea of improving customer service.
   • Your interviewer has not prepared very interesting questions. You take the
     opportunity to direct the interview in your own way.
   • You make a list of questions you want to ask the interviewer.
   • You meditate for half an hour before leaving for your job interview.
   • Before sending off your letter of application, you show it to a few friends for
     their comments.
   • You find out which newspaper carries ads for the kind of work you’re looking
     for, and study the columns regularly.
   • You ask some friends to practice the interview situation with you before the
     big day.
   • You wear very flattering clothes for your job interview although the
     waistband pinches and you feel uncomfortable.
   • You decide to wear your most comfortable clothes for the job interview
     although they are not very smart.
   • You have a small whisky before you leave for your interview, to calm your
   • You make it clear to a prospective employer that you have a number of other
     interesting interviews lined up.
   • When the interviewer asks you ‘What job would you like to be doing in ten
     years’ time?’, your answer is ‘Your job!’.

V Project work. Work in groups.

Delaney is a Dublin-based call centre working for a major car-hire company.
Delaney employs 240 full-time and part-time agents. The car-hire company has
centralized most of its European operations to this call centre.

The company needs to recruit new people. You are members of the interviewing
team. Write the job description for the position. Discuss and decide what experience,
skills, abilities and personal qualities are important for candidates. Define what they
will be responsible for.
