Business insights. Баутина И.В - 25 стр.


e. Business is blossoming
f. What are the benefits?
g. How much will it cost?
h. What exactly is a franchise?
3. Scan-read the text and find equivalents to the following words and expressions.
Иметь потенциал для роста, отдавать предпочтение, быть нацеленным на
новый рынок, строить свой бизнес, авторский гонорар, ценообразования путем
«накидки», проверенный брэнд, внешний вид газонов, бизнес процветает,
предприятие в начальной стадии развития, юридическое соглашение,
первоначальный взнос, процент с оборота, отчисления на рекламу, поддержка,
получить прибыль в течение двух месяцев.
4. There are four idioms in the text. Try to find them and translate into Russian.
5. Reading for details. Read the text again and fill in the table:
Advantages of
Cost Things to be
aware of
Text 2
GreenThumb is a franchise hoping for rapid growth
Stephen Waring came up with a great idea.
All sorts of people would like to hand over the care of their lawn to someone
His business thrived and he wanted to make it grow even more - but how to go about
Stephen came up with the notion of selling franchises.
The business now treats 50,000 lawns across the UK.
There are 48 people running their own Green Thumb businesses but paying Stephen
for the right to do so and for the materials he supplies.
1. …
In every high street there are franchises. The amount of money that you have to put
up to buy a franchise will depend on:
The start up kit the company supplies
The likely return on your investment
The number of people who want to buy a franchise
2. …
All businesses are risky.
Some are more risky than others. Plans that look good when the economy is
booming can suddenly look very sorry for themselves when uncertainty sets in.
   e. Business is blossoming                           g. How much will it cost?
   f. What are the benefits?                           h. What exactly is a franchise?

3. Scan-read the text and find equivalents to the following words and expressions.
Иметь потенциал для роста, отдавать предпочтение, быть нацеленным на
новый рынок, строить свой бизнес, авторский гонорар, ценообразования путем
«накидки», проверенный брэнд, внешний вид газонов, бизнес процветает,
предприятие в начальной стадии развития, юридическое соглашение,
первоначальный взнос, процент с оборота, отчисления на рекламу, поддержка,
получить прибыль в течение двух месяцев.

4. There are four idioms in the text. Try to find them and translate into Russian.

5. Reading for details. Read the text again and fill in the table:

  Advantages      of Possible                Cost                Things   to     be
  franchising        shortcomings                                aware of

                                       Text 2
               GreenThumb is a franchise hoping for rapid growth
      Stephen Waring came up with a great idea.
      All sorts of people would like to hand over the care of their lawn to someone
His business thrived and he wanted to make it grow even more - but how to go about
       Stephen came up with the notion of selling franchises.
The business now treats 50,000 lawns across the UK.
There are 48 people running their own Green Thumb businesses but paying Stephen
for the right to do so and for the materials he supplies.

In every high street there are franchises. The amount of money that you have to put
up to buy a franchise will depend on:
• The start up kit the company supplies
• The likely return on your investment
• The number of people who want to buy a franchise
       All businesses are risky.
Some are more risky than others. Plans that look good when the economy is
booming can suddenly look very sorry for themselves when uncertainty sets in.