Business insights. Баутина И.В - 32 стр.


Text 2
1. Before you read. Is establishing eye contact essential for conducting business in
2. While reading. Read the text and comment upon the importance of eye contact in
different countries.
Eye contact
In many Western societies, including the USA, a person who does not maintain
“good eye contact” is regarded as being slightly suspicious, or a “shifty” character.
Americans unconsciously associate people who avoid eye contact as unfriendly,
insecure, untrustworthy, inattentive and impersonal. However, in contrast, Japanese
children are taught in school to direct their gaze at the region of their teacher’s
Adam’s apple or tie knot, and , as result, Japanese lower their eyes when speaking to
a superior, a gesture of respect.
Latin American cultures, as well as some African cultures, such as Nigeria, have
longer looking time, but prolonged eye contact from an individual of lower status is
considered disrespectful. In the US, it is considered rude too stare – regardless of
who is looking at whom. In contrast, the polite Englishman is taught to pay strict
attention to a speaker, to listen carefully, and to blink his eyes to let the speaker
know he or she has been understood as well as heard. Americans signal interest and
comprehension by bobbing their heads or grunting.
3. After you read. Role play. You are at the international meeting. You have to
introduce yourself to a foreign partner. Choose any way establishing eye contact
mentioned in the text. Introduce yourself to your partner for him to understand what
country you are from.
IV Speaking.
What are the main stereotypes of manners and social behaviour in other countries?
For example, dress code for different occasions, useful gestures (and gestures to
avoid), table manners, handling business cards, choosing suitable gifts etc? If it is
necessary, find this information on the Internet.
V Project. Work in teams. You are going to make a presentation about international
business styles in different countries. Surf the Internet, find information about
different aspects of international business styles in the chosen country and make a
short presentation. Consider the aspects mentioned in 3 (short discussion). Use
visuals, handouts or Power point.
Use the following English language sites
(online TESOL journal whose articles can be downloaded and
Text 2
1. Before you read. Is establishing eye contact essential for conducting business in
2. While reading. Read the text and comment upon the importance of eye contact in
different countries.

                                     Eye contact
In many Western societies, including the USA, a person who does not maintain
“good eye contact” is regarded as being slightly suspicious, or a “shifty” character.
Americans unconsciously associate people who avoid eye contact as unfriendly,
insecure, untrustworthy, inattentive and impersonal. However, in contrast, Japanese
children are taught in school to direct their gaze at the region of their teacher’s
Adam’s apple or tie knot, and , as result, Japanese lower their eyes when speaking to
a superior, a gesture of respect.
Latin American cultures, as well as some African cultures, such as Nigeria, have
longer looking time, but prolonged eye contact from an individual of lower status is
considered disrespectful. In the US, it is considered rude too stare – regardless of
who is looking at whom. In contrast, the polite Englishman is taught to pay strict
attention to a speaker, to listen carefully, and to blink his eyes to let the speaker
know he or she has been understood as well as heard. Americans signal interest and
comprehension by bobbing their heads or grunting.

3. After you read. Role play. You are at the international meeting. You have to
introduce yourself to a foreign partner. Choose any way establishing eye contact
mentioned in the text. Introduce yourself to your partner for him to understand what
country you are from.

IV Speaking.
What are the main stereotypes of manners and social behaviour in other countries?
For example, dress code for different occasions, useful gestures (and gestures to
avoid), table manners, handling business cards, choosing suitable gifts etc? If it is
necessary, find this information on the Internet.

V Project. Work in teams. You are going to make a presentation about international
business styles in different countries. Surf the Internet, find information about
different aspects of international business styles in the chosen country and make a
short presentation. Consider the aspects mentioned in № 3 (short discussion). Use
visuals, handouts or Power point.
Use the following English language sites (online TESOL journal whose articles can be downloaded and