Business insights. Баутина И.В - 30 стр.


1) A culture where people work collaboratively and co-operatively and do not
try to stand out from the group, and where community interests are much
more important them personal ambition is a … .
2) A culture where managers pay a great deal of respect to their senior or their
elders, and where subordinates show respect and humility towards managers,
is a … .
3) A culture where typically people stay in the same job for many years,
probably living near their family home, has … .
4) In a culture where managers typically have a wide range of abilities and are
not necessarily specialists, it is important to have … .
5) A corporate culture where there is the view that the company exists to serve
customers, and that the customer is king, can be described as … .
6) A culture where little attention is paid to relationship-building, where business
is the priority, is a … .
7) Where employees represent and defend their company, and respect and
identify with its values, there is strong … .
3. What culture is typical of your country?
III Reading
Text 1
1. Before you read.
Match the following abbreviations with their definitions. Look these words up in the
dictionary and translate them.
1) SBU
2) TQM
3) JIT
4) CFT
5) MBO
a. Strategic business unit
b. Management by objectives
c. Customer first team
d. Total quality management
e. Just-in-time
2. While – reading.
1) Read the text and say what well-intended “universal” applications of
management theory are mentioned in the text.
2) Reading for details. Read the text, choose 2 statements given below the text and
comment upon them.
The impact of culture on business.
Take a look at the new breed of international managers, educated according to
the most modern management philosophies. They all know that in the SBU, TQM
   1) A culture where people work collaboratively and co-operatively and do not
      try to stand out from the group, and where community interests are much
      more important them personal ambition is a .
   2) A culture where managers pay a great deal of respect to their senior or their
      elders, and where subordinates show respect and humility towards managers,
      is a .
   3) A culture where typically people stay in the same job for many years,
      probably living near their family home, has .
   4) In a culture where managers typically have a wide range of abilities and are
      not necessarily specialists, it is important to have    .
   5) A corporate culture where there is the view that the company exists to serve
      customers, and that the customer is king, can be described as .
   6) A culture where little attention is paid to relationship-building, where business
      is the priority, is a  .
   7) Where employees represent and defend their company, and respect and
      identify with its values, there is strong .
   3. What culture is typical of your country?

III Reading
Text 1
1. Before you read.
Match the following abbreviations with their definitions. Look these words up in the
dictionary and translate them.

     1)   SBU                    a.   Strategic business unit
     2)   TQM                    b.   Management by objectives
     3)   JIT                    c.   Customer first team
     4)   CFT                    d.   Total quality management
     5)   MBO                    e.   Just-in-time

2. While – reading.
1) Read the text and say what well-intended “universal” applications of
management theory are mentioned in the text.
2) Reading for details. Read the text, choose 2 statements given below the text and
comment upon them.

                       The impact of culture on business.
     Take a look at the new breed of international managers, educated according to
the most modern management philosophies. They all know that in the SBU, TQM
