Business insights. Баутина И.В - 28 стр.


Earn a steady income
In case of selling your business, get
the approve of the franchisor
Can expand business without having
to invest his own capital and
without having to recruit and
manage personnel
Marketing support
Shared risk
Not a get-rich-quick scheme
Strategies for finding
Access to business idea
Don’t rely on financial
information given – check it
V Project. Presentation.
Option 1. Work in groups of 4 or 5. Surf the net and find as much information as
possible about franchising in Russia. How successful are franchise companies in
Russia? What are the main problems? Choose a presenter and make a speech.
Option 2. Work in groups of 2 or 3. Choose any franchisor company you want to
sign a franchise agreement with. Prove your choice.
VI Problem solving
There is more information about franchising on the following sites:
European Franchise Association:
, British
Franchise Association:
, American Association of
Franchisees and Dealers:
Work in groups. Surf the net and find information about franchise companies and
make a presentation on the issue that seems interesting.
Unit 5. International Business styles
I Short discussion
Work in groups. Discuss the following questions in groups. For more information
see SB 1,2, p.44-46.
1. What cross-cultural problems do companies face when they work with
companies from other countries?
2. Can you give examples of cross-cultural problems from your own
experience? How to tackle these problems?
Discuss how the impression that you may give, especially to a foreigner, can be
influenced by:
Talking in a loud voice, yawning, eating with your hands, being late for a meeting,
giving presents, inviting for a cup of coffee to your house, calling smb by his/ her
first name, kissing them on a cheek, shaking hands.
   � Earn a steady income                           � Shared risk
   � In case of selling your business, get          � Not a get-rich-quick scheme
     the approve of the franchisor                  � Strategies     for    finding
   � Can expand business without having               customers
     to invest his own capital and                  � Access to business idea
     without having to recruit and                  � Don’t rely on financial
     manage personnel                                 information given – check it
   � Marketing support                                out

V Project. Presentation.
Option 1. Work in groups of 4 or 5. Surf the net and find as much information as
possible about franchising in Russia. How successful are franchise companies in
Russia? What are the main problems? Choose a presenter and make a speech.
Option 2. Work in groups of 2 or 3. Choose any franchisor company you want to
sign a franchise agreement with. Prove your choice.

VI Problem solving
There is more information about franchising on the following sites:
European Franchise Association:, British
Franchise Association:, American Association of
Franchisees and Dealers:,,
Work in groups. Surf the net and find information about franchise companies and
make a presentation on the issue that seems interesting.

                       Unit 5. International Business styles

I Short discussion
Work in groups. Discuss the following questions in groups. For more information
see SB № 1,2, p.44-46.
1. What cross-cultural problems do companies face when they work with
companies from other countries?

2. Can you give examples of cross-cultural problems from your own
experience? How to tackle these problems?
Discuss how the impression that you may give, especially to a foreigner, can be
influenced by:
Talking in a loud voice, yawning, eating with your hands, being late for a meeting,
giving presents, inviting for a cup of coffee to your house, calling smb by his/ her
first name, kissing them on a cheek, shaking hands.
