5. Pending the reopening of negotiations and fearing the abrogation
of some privileges the State Council adopted certain measures.
6. The Cabinet decided to consider the agreement pending ratifica-
tion by the Majlis.
7. And it is argued that the risk that Britain runs in exposing her
hand, though not to be discounted, is well worth taking, considering the im-
portance to British industry of the negotiations as a whole.
4. The Gerund Construction.
Person / Object + Ving form
Model: We look forward to much attention being given to this question. – Мы
рассчитываем на то, что этому вопросу будет уделено значи-
тельное внимание.
1. All the evidence of past words and deeds is against such agree-
ment being possible.
2. We said it would lead to men being deprived of their livelihood
and was not redeployment at all.
3. "There is no question therefore of the door being firmly closed
against any increase of pay for firemen before July 1 next", he declares.
4. Refusal to do this work resulted in two men being suspended and
strike action followed.
5. But if this experiment fails then it is my opinion that, far from
there being an improvement in the standards of life of our people, there will
be a steady diminution.
6. Our jobs and living standards depend on the industrial capacity of
the nation being used to the full.
7. In and outside Parliament, using all means at their disposal, they
intend to organize their considerable resourses in an effort to prevent the
dominant sector of the industry becoming State-owned.
Far from + Ving
– не только не … (+личная форма глагола), но …
– вместо того, чтобы … (+неличная форма глагола)
– отнюдь не (+деепричастие)
Models: A. Far from averting
this threat, this surrender will only bring
about still tougher action later. – Отнюдь не устраняя
зы, эта капитуляция приведет в будущем лишь к более же-
стким мерам.
B. Far from being a triumph, it was the most ignominious surren-
der in modern diplomacy. – Это не только не было
фом, но
было самой позорной капитуляцией за всю исто-
рию дипломатии нашего времени.
C. There is no denying
that danger may be averted by this move. –
Нельзя отрицать
, что этим шагом можно избежать опас-
1. Far from being thrown on the defensive by the Right Wing attack,
the left should respond by the most vigorous counter-offensive.
2. The drive towards monopoly in the British Press is no different in
essence from the same development in all other major industries. Far from
hindering this development, the Government is actually encouraging it.
3. Far from doing anything to reduce the number of jobless, the Gov-
ernment is planning to throw more out of work with its rail and pit closures.
4. Far from challenging the rights and privileges of big business, he
allied himself with big business against people.
5. The British Goverment far from diminishing or freezing its own
war budget, is increasing its record heights.
6. Far from helping the low-paid the Prime Minister has hit them
hardest of all.
7. There is no doubting that new men will be needed as well as a
new attitude and new ideas.
5. Emphatic Construction.
It is (not) … that (who, which, when, where)…
It is not until … that …
Models: A. It is
for that reason that the present book is both timely and
appropriate. – Именно по этой причине
данная книга явля-
ется актуальной и своевременной.
B. In peopled areas such as the Middle East, Asia and Africa, it is
often not
labour that is needed as much as capital, organization
and access to markets. – Такие густонаселенные районы, как
Средний Восток, Азия и Африка, часто нуждаются не
столько в трудовых ресурсах, сколько
в капитале, органи-
зации и выходе на рынок.
C. It is not until
November that the pensioners will receive the in-
crease provided for in the Budget. – Прибавку к пенсии, пре-
дусмотренную в бюджете, пенсионеры получат только
5. Pending the reopening of negotiations and fearing the abrogation B. Far from being a triumph, it was the most ignominious surren- of some privileges the State Council adopted certain measures. der in modern diplomacy. – Это не только не было триум- 6. The Cabinet decided to consider the agreement pending ratifica- фом, но было самой позорной капитуляцией за всю исто- tion by the Majlis. рию дипломатии нашего времени. 7. And it is argued that the risk that Britain runs in exposing her C. There is no denying that danger may be averted by this move. – hand, though not to be discounted, is well worth taking, considering the im- Нельзя отрицать, что этим шагом можно избежать опас- portance to British industry of the negotiations as a whole. ности. 4. The Gerund Construction. 1. Far from being thrown on the defensive by the Right Wing attack, the left should respond by the most vigorous counter-offensive. Person / Object + Ving form 2. The drive towards monopoly in the British Press is no different in Model: We look forward to much attention being given to this question. – Мы essence from the same development in all other major industries. Far from рассчитываем на то, что этому вопросу будет уделено значи- hindering this development, the Government is actually encouraging it. тельное внимание. 3. Far from doing anything to reduce the number of jobless, the Gov- ernment is planning to throw more out of work with its rail and pit closures. 1. All the evidence of past words and deeds is against such agree- 4. Far from challenging the rights and privileges of big business, he ment being possible. allied himself with big business against people. 5. The British Goverment far from diminishing or freezing its own 2. We said it would lead to men being deprived of their livelihood war budget, is increasing its record heights. and was not redeployment at all. 6. Far from helping the low-paid the Prime Minister has hit them 3. "There is no question therefore of the door being firmly closed hardest of all. against any increase of pay for firemen before July 1 next", he declares. 7. There is no doubting that new men will be needed as well as a 4. Refusal to do this work resulted in two men being suspended and new attitude and new ideas. strike action followed. 5. But if this experiment fails then it is my opinion that, far from 5. Emphatic Construction. there being an improvement in the standards of life of our people, there will It is (not) … that (who, which, when, where)… be a steady diminution. It is not until … that … 6. Our jobs and living standards depend on the industrial capacity of the nation being used to the full. Models: A. It is for that reason that the present book is both timely and 7. In and outside Parliament, using all means at their disposal, they appropriate. – Именно по этой причине данная книга явля- intend to organize their considerable resourses in an effort to prevent the ется актуальной и своевременной. dominant sector of the industry becoming State-owned. B. In peopled areas such as the Middle East, Asia and Africa, it is often not labour that is needed as much as capital, organization Far from + Ving – не только не … (+личная форма глагола), но … and access to markets. – Такие густонаселенные районы, как – вместо того, чтобы … (+неличная форма глагола) Средний Восток, Азия и Африка, часто нуждаются не – отнюдь не (+деепричастие) столько в трудовых ресурсах, сколько в капитале, органи- зации и выходе на рынок. Models: A. Far from averting this threat, this surrender will only bring C. It is not until November that the pensioners will receive the in- about still tougher action later. – Отнюдь не устраняя угро- crease provided for in the Budget. – Прибавку к пенсии, пре- зы, эта капитуляция приведет в будущем лишь к более же- дусмотренную в бюджете, пенсионеры получат только в стким мерам. ноябре. 13 14
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