Hobbies. Leisure Time. Бекерова Е.А - 34 стр.


6. You win first prize in a competition: a trip to East Africa. What
would be the main attraction for you?
a. I'd enjoy staying in a luxury hotel and relaxing
b. I'd enjoy improving my sun-tan at the beach and joining a cou-
ple of sight-seeing tours.
c. The main attraction would be discovering a new country: the
people, the scenery, the wildlife.
Add up your points
How to score the quiz:
1. a = 3; b = 2; c = 1 4. a = 3; b = 1; c = 2
2. a = 1; b = 2; c = 3 5. a = 3; b = 2; c = 3
3. a = 2; b = 3; c = 1 6. a = 1; b = 2; c = 3
If you scored between six and ten points: You are not an adven-
turer. You don't like to take risks. 'You are the sort of person who feels
most comfortable with the people and places you know.
Our advice: Have more confidence in yourself and in other peo-
ple. Try something new you might enjoy it!
If you scored between 11 and 14 points: You are the sort of per-
son who is not afraid of adventure. But you have enough common
sense not to take unnecessary risks.
Our advice: You seem to be a well-balanced person. Enjoy your-
If you scored between 15 and 18 points: You have a very adven-
turous spirit. You are the sort of person who loves to try anything new.
You are happy to take risks.
Our advice: Be sensible. Don't let your enthusiasm for adventure
blind you to the danger of a situation.
adventure приключение
gliding планеризм
horse-riding верховая езда
stamp марка
attraction то, что привлекает
luxury роскошный
to relax расслабляться
sun-tan загар
to be lost потеряться
passer-by прохожий
to explore обследовать
to hitch a lift подъехать
kangaroo кенгуру
steak бифштекс
hesitantly нерешительно
to dye красить
mad сумасшедший
to depend зависеть
trip путешествие
sight-seeing tour осмотр достопри-
scenery пейзаж
wildlife животный мир
to score набрать очки
confidence уверенность
common sense здравый смысл
well-balanced рассудительный
spirit характер; дух
sensible разумный
to blind ослеплять
5. Fans
5.1. Pre-reading focus.
Hobby does not include only participating in sports but also
being a fan of your favourite sportsman or team. There are a lot of
people including some famous ones who are sports fans.
1) Are you a sports fan?
2) What is your view of sports fans?
Is it basically positive, basically negative, or something in
Vote and write down your answers on the blackboard
+ ? -
5.2. Pre-reading task.
Read the article about football fans in England. Work in 4
groups. Each paragraph is for each student within the group.
While reading the article think of the answers to the following
- What sort of person can be a sports fan (a football fan)?
6. You win first prize in a competition: a trip to East Africa. What         to be lost потеряться                 sight-seeing tour осмотр достопри-
   would be the main attraction for you?                                     passer-by прохожий                        мечательностей
    a. I'd enjoy staying in a luxury hotel and relaxing                      to explore обследовать                scenery пейзаж
    b. I'd enjoy improving my sun-tan at the beach and joining a cou-        to hitch a lift подъехать             wildlife животный мир
                                                                             kangaroo кенгуру                      to score набрать очки
       ple of sight-seeing tours.
                                                                             steak бифштекс                        confidence уверенность
    c. The main attraction would be discovering a new country: the           hesitantly нерешительно               common sense здравый смысл
       people, the scenery, the wildlife.                                    to dye красить                        well-balanced рассудительный
                                                                             mad сумасшедший                       spirit характер; дух
                                                                             to depend зависеть                    sensible разумный
                          Add up your points                                 trip путешествие                      to blind ослеплять
How to score the quiz:

1. a = 3; b = 2; c = 1           4. a = 3; b = 1; c = 2                                                    5. Fans
2. a = 1; b = 2; c = 3           5. a = 3; b = 2; c = 3
3. a = 2; b = 3; c = 1           6. a = 1; b = 2; c = 3                      5.1. Pre-reading focus.
                                                                                   Hobby does not include only participating in sports but also
       If you scored between six and ten points: You are not an adven-       being a fan of your favourite sportsman or team. There are a lot of
turer. You don't like to take risks. 'You are the sort of person who feels   people including some famous ones who are sports fans.
most comfortable with the people and places you know.                              1) Are you a sports fan?
       Our advice: Have more confidence in yourself and in other peo-                             YES                   NO
ple. Try something new you might enjoy it!

      If you scored between 11 and 14 points: You are the sort of per-             2) What is your view of sports fans?
son who is not afraid of adventure. But you have enough common                        Is it basically positive, basically negative, or something in
sense not to take unnecessary risks.                                                  between?
      Our advice: You seem to be a well-balanced person. Enjoy your-                  Vote and write down your answers on the blackboard
self!                                                                                  +                        ?                       -

       If you scored between 15 and 18 points: You have a very adven-
turous spirit. You are the sort of person who loves to try anything new.     5.2. Pre-reading task.
You are happy to take risks.
       Our advice: Be sensible. Don't let your enthusiasm for adventure            Read the article about football fans in England. Work in 4
blind you to the danger of a situation.                                      groups. Each paragraph is for each student within the group.
adventure приключение                   attraction то, что привлекает              While reading the article think of the answers to the following
gliding планеризм                       luxury роскошный                     questions:
horse-riding верховая езда              to relax расслабляться                     - What sort of person can be a sports fan (a football fan)?
stamp марка                             sun-tan загар

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