Hobbies. Leisure Time. Бекерова Е.А - 45 стр.


2. Now study the questions below. Choose the correct answers
from the choices given. Then listen to see if you were right.
1. Alan Ainslie is riding to Brighton this weekend:
а) for charity;
b) by an unusual route;
c) with 25,000 others;
d) with some friends from a cycling club.
2. According to the law, cyclists are not allowed on:
a) bridle paths; c) river banks;
b) footpaths; d) disused railway tracks.
3. Alan has not published his routes because:
a) they would be used by people on motor bikes;
b) they are only suitable for mountain bikes;
c) it would be a nuisance to hikers and ramblers;
d) it would spoil the pleasure of rough cycling.
Language Focus
Future continuous
Use a suitable verb in the future continuous tense to complete the
following sentences.
1. While most of the cyclists going to Brighton are going by the
main road, Alan and his friends _______ on bridle paths and footpaths.
2. Next week, Rachel _______ another speaker to her pro-
gramme and he/she ____ listeners about his/her spare-time interests.
3. I'm so happy I'm going on holiday. This time next week _____
on a beach in Greece.
4. I (not) _______ for my food, because it's all included in the
package holiday.
5. I ______ all that lovely Greek food and drinking their exotic
Making a speech
Prepare to give a two-minute talk to the class about a spare-time
activity you are interested in. Use the questions below and Alan's an-
swers (when he gave a similar talk) to help you form a rough plan.
Type of information to cover Alan's answers
1 What is your spare-time inter-
Rough cycling.
2 Why does it interest you (in
general terms)?
Get out of the city - finding new
routes - sense of adventure.
3 When and why did you start
this hobby?
Cycling club - bored - too much
traffic - no time to enjoy view.
4 What does it consist of? Finding routes - cycling off roads
through countryside.
5 What do you do? Is it a hobby
you do alone or with others?
Go along footpaths, bridle paths -
can go alone, but with friends.
6 How often do you participate in
this sport?
Every weekend.
7 How do people interested in
this sport become involved?
Ring Central Office for informa-
                                                                     Language Focus
                                                                     Future continuous
                                                                     Use a suitable verb in the future continuous tense to complete the
                                                                     following sentences.
                                                                           1. While most of the cyclists going to Brighton are going by the
                                                                     main road, Alan and his friends _______ on bridle paths and footpaths.
                                                                           2. Next week, Rachel _______ another speaker to her pro-
                                                                     gramme and he/she ____ listeners about his/her spare-time interests.
                                                                           3. I'm so happy I'm going on holiday. This time next week _____
                                                                     on a beach in Greece.
                                                                           4. I (not) _______ for my food, because it's all included in the
                                                                     package holiday.
                                                                           5. I ______ all that lovely Greek food and drinking their exotic

                                                                            Making a speech
                                                                            Prepare to give a two-minute talk to the class about a spare-time
      2. Now study the questions below. Choose the correct answers   activity you are interested in. Use the questions below and Alan's an-
from the choices given. Then listen to see if you were right.        swers (when he gave a similar talk) to help you form a rough plan.
      1. Alan Ainslie is riding to Brighton this weekend:             Type of information to cover        Alan's answers
        а) for charity;
                                                                      1 What is your spare-time inter- Rough cycling.
        b) by an unusual route;
        c) with 25,000 others;
                                                                      2 Why does it interest you (in      Get out of the city - finding new
        d) with some friends from a cycling club.
                                                                      general terms)?                     routes - sense of adventure.
      2. According to the law, cyclists are not allowed on:
                                                                      3 When and why did you start        Cycling club - bored - too much
        a) bridle paths;         c) river banks;
                                                                      this hobby?                         traffic - no time to enjoy view.
        b) footpaths;            d) disused railway tracks.
      3. Alan has not published his routes because:                   4 What does it consist of?          Finding routes - cycling off roads
        a) they would be used by people on motor bikes;                                                   through countryside.
        b) they are only suitable for mountain bikes;                 5 What do you do? Is it a hobby Go along footpaths, bridle paths -
        c) it would be a nuisance to hikers and ramblers;             you do alone or with others?        can go alone, but with friends.
        d) it would spoil the pleasure of rough cycling.              6 How often do you participate in Every weekend.
                                                                      this sport?
                                                                      7 How do people interested in       Ring Central Office for informa-
                                                                      this sport become involved?         tion.

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