shows, but enough for my dog
and my hobby. I'm a very happy
Tapescript 2a [Headway In-
termediate (Unit 10) – Tape-
script 75a]
I = Interviewer M — Margaret
I Margaret, may I ask you
what you do for a living?
M Well. I work for a children's
charity. That's a full-time
job, but I also have guests
coming to stay with me at
I You mean ... paying guests?
M Yes. This house, which is
called Heritage House, is a
bed-and-breakfast place, too.
I What I can see around me,
Margaret, is amazing! How
long have you been collect-
ing all this royal memora-
M Well. I first got interested in
the Royal family when I saw
the wedding of Princess
Margaret on TV in 1960.
Urn, my father wouldn't let
us have a television in the
house because he said it
would stop me doing my
homework, so on the day of
the wedding, I went round to
a friend's house, and I just
sat in front of the screen,
mesmerized. But it wasn't
until later that I started col-
lecting. I've been collecting
for eighteen years. The first
things I bought were a dish
with the Queen's head in the
centre, and a few Coronation
mugs to go with it.
I What sort of things have you
M Oh, everything! Oh, pic-
tures, paintings, ashtrays,
hundreds of mugs, um .... er
... tea-pots, tea-cloths, bis-
cuit tins, posters, books,
flags, toast racks, egg cups,
candle sticks, the lot! I've
got over four thousand
Royal souvenirs.
I All in this house?
M All in this house, yes. The
house has been extended
three times to fit it all in.
They're in all the rooms
downstairs, and in the four
bedrooms upstairs, and in
the attic, too.
I Incredible!
M It takes all my spare time to
keep everything clean and
dusted. I'm always playing
around, making a special
area for one of the Royals or
another. Er ... It keeps me
amused for hours, and the
visitors who come, mainly
foreign visitors, never get
tired of talking about our
Royal family.
I Is there one piece that's your
M Yes. I was desperately upset
when Princess Diana and
Prince Charles split up, and I
wrote to Princess Diana, say-
ing I hoped they might get
together again. I got a lovely
letter back from her Lady-in-
Waiting. Sarah Campden,
and that's the most important
part of my whole collection.
I Have you had to spend a lot
of money on your collec-
M Oh. I don't know. I've never
thought about it. No, I don't
think so. Once, when Prince
Andrew married Fergie, a
shop filled its windows with
nothing else but mementoes
of them, and I walked in and
bought the lot.
But I ... I can't remember
how much it was.
I And where do you get it all
M All over the place. There are
lots of people who collect
this stuff. I go up and down
the country. We have con-
ventions where we swap
things. And there are spe-
cialist magazines and shops,
and ... and jumble sales.
I Have you ever had to fight
to get something you really
M Well, once I was in a shop
and the shop keeper was
drinking his tea from a
lovely Coronation mug. I of-
fered to buy it from him but
he wasn't interested. So off I
went to a shop nearby and
bought a plain mug and pre-
sented it to him. 'Now will
you do a swap?' I said to
him. And he did. Oh. it was
driving me mad, the thought
of him using this mug every
day! I wanted to give it a
proper home!
I Is there anything you haven't
got that you'd really like to
M Not a thing, but a person.
Princess Diana is my favour-
ite Royal. She's warm, won-
derful, giggly, real. I'd love
to meet her.
I Well. I hope your dream
comes true! If she ever came
to your house, she'd feel
very at home!
shows, but enough for my dog sat in front of the screen, visitors who come, mainly things. And there are spe- and my hobby. I'm a very happy mesmerized. But it wasn't foreign visitors, never get cialist magazines and shops, man! until later that I started col- tired of talking about our and ... and jumble sales. lecting. I've been collecting Royal family. I Have you ever had to fight Tapescript 2a [Headway In- for eighteen years. The first I Is there one piece that's your to get something you really termediate (Unit 10) – Tape- things I bought were a dish favourite? wanted? script 75a] with the Queen's head in the M Yes. I was desperately upset M Well, once I was in a shop I = Interviewer M — Margaret centre, and a few Coronation when Princess Diana and and the shop keeper was Tyler mugs to go with it. Prince Charles split up, and I drinking his tea from a I Margaret, may I ask you I What sort of things have you wrote to Princess Diana, say- lovely Coronation mug. I of- what you do for a living? got? ing I hoped they might get fered to buy it from him but M Well. I work for a children's M Oh, everything! Oh, pic- together again. I got a lovely he wasn't interested. So off I charity. That's a full-time tures, paintings, ashtrays, letter back from her Lady-in- went to a shop nearby and job, but I also have guests hundreds of mugs, um .... er Waiting. Sarah Campden, bought a plain mug and pre- coming to stay with me at ... tea-pots, tea-cloths, bis- and that's the most important sented it to him. 'Now will weekends. cuit tins, posters, books, part of my whole collection. you do a swap?' I said to I You mean ... paying guests? flags, toast racks, egg cups, I Have you had to spend a lot him. And he did. Oh. it was M Yes. This house, which is candle sticks, the lot! I've of money on your collec- driving me mad, the thought called Heritage House, is a got over four thousand tion? of him using this mug every bed-and-breakfast place, too. Royal souvenirs. M Oh. I don't know. I've never day! I wanted to give it a I What I can see around me, I All in this house? thought about it. No, I don't proper home! Margaret, is amazing! How M All in this house, yes. The think so. Once, when Prince I Is there anything you haven't long have you been collect- house has been extended Andrew married Fergie, a got that you'd really like to ing all this royal memora- three times to fit it all in. shop filled its windows with have? bilia? They're in all the rooms nothing else but mementoes M Not a thing, but a person. M Well. I first got interested in downstairs, and in the four of them, and I walked in and Princess Diana is my favour- the Royal family when I saw bedrooms upstairs, and in bought the lot. ite Royal. She's warm, won- the wedding of Princess the attic, too. But I ... I can't remember derful, giggly, real. I'd love Margaret on TV in 1960. I Incredible! how much it was. to meet her. Urn, my father wouldn't let M It takes all my spare time to I And where do you get it all I Well. I hope your dream us have a television in the keep everything clean and from? comes true! If she ever came house because he said it dusted. I'm always playing M All over the place. There are to your house, she'd feel would stop me doing my around, making a special lots of people who collect very at home! homework, so on the day of area for one of the Royals or this stuff. I go up and down the wedding, I went round to another. Er ... It keeps me the country. We have con- a friend's house, and I just amused for hours, and the ventions where we swap 115 116
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