joying this any more. There's so
much traffic on the roads nowa-
days that you can't even stop or
look round to enjoy the view. If
we could get off the roads and
into the country, we'd have much
more fun.' So we began by find-
ing our way through London,
keeping to parks, river banks,
sometimes riding on disused rail-
way tracks. Then we began to
make our own route maps to get
out of the city so that we'd be
able to get out into the country
and ride along bridle paths and
Crane I thought cyclists were
restricted to bridle paths, like
riders on horseback. Isn't it ille-
gal to ride bikes on footpaths?
Don't country people object?
Ainslie As long as you keep off
the well-known paths used by
hikers and ramblers, you should-
n't have any problems. It's a mat-
ter of common sense and good
manners. Kids on motor bikes do
far more harm. They're a real
Crane Is any bike suitable? Do
you need a racing bike, for in-
Ainslie Oh, no, they're no use.
You see, it's not speed that mat-
ters, it's being able to deal with
tall grass or bumpy surfaces.
You need a mountain bike.
Crane Are you going to tell us
your route to Brighton?
Ainslie No, we never publish our
routes because if we did thou-
sands of people would follow
them, and it would take away the
spirit of adventure. Finding your
own way, that's one of the most
enjoyable things about rough
cycling. But if listeners would
like some further information
they could get in touch with me
Warming-ups ...................................................................................... 3
I. Hobbies ............................................................................... 6
II. Sports ................................................................................. 9
III. Leisure activities ............................................................ 14
I. Hobbies ............................................................................. 21
II. A Couch Potato ............................................................... 44
III. Sports and Leisure Activities.......................................... 54
I. Hobbies ............................................................................. 75
II. A Couch Potato ............................................................... 82
III. Sports and Leisure Activities ......................................... 87
Video (Aerobics) .............................................................................. 91
Speaking ......................................................................................... 107
Tapescripts ...................................................................................... 114
joying this any more. There's so ter of common sense and good Contents much traffic on the roads nowa- manners. Kids on motor bikes do days that you can't even stop or far more harm. They're a real Warming-ups ...................................................................................... 3 look round to enjoy the view. If nuisance. we could get off the roads and Crane Is any bike suitable? Do Vocabulary into the country, we'd have much you need a racing bike, for in- I. Hobbies ............................................................................... 6 more fun.' So we began by find- stance? ing our way through London, Ainslie Oh, no, they're no use. II. Sports ................................................................................. 9 keeping to parks, river banks, You see, it's not speed that mat- III. Leisure activities ............................................................ 14 sometimes riding on disused rail- ters, it's being able to deal with way tracks. Then we began to tall grass or bumpy surfaces. Reading make our own route maps to get You need a mountain bike. I. Hobbies ............................................................................. 21 out of the city so that we'd be Crane Are you going to tell us able to get out into the country your route to Brighton? II. A Couch Potato ............................................................... 44 and ride along bridle paths and Ainslie No, we never publish our III. Sports and Leisure Activities.......................................... 54 footpaths. routes because if we did thou- Crane I thought cyclists were sands of people would follow Listening restricted to bridle paths, like them, and it would take away the I. Hobbies ............................................................................. 75 riders on horseback. Isn't it ille- spirit of adventure. Finding your gal to ride bikes on footpaths? own way, that's one of the most II. A Couch Potato ............................................................... 82 Don't country people object? enjoyable things about rough III. Sports and Leisure Activities ......................................... 87 Ainslie As long as you keep off cycling. But if listeners would the well-known paths used by like some further information Video (Aerobics) .............................................................................. 91 hikers and ramblers, you should- they could get in touch with me Speaking ......................................................................................... 107 n't have any problems. It's a mat- ... Tapescripts ...................................................................................... 114 121 122