Focus on nominals: practice grammar book for intermediate learners of English. Бочарова М.В - 12 стр.


a container for drinking out of
a container into which food is put before it is sold
a device for taking unwanted creases out of clothes
a device which we switch on in a room when it goes dark
a form of energy from the sun which enables us to see
a group or clump of trees
a kind of bird which lives on or near water
a kind of meat which we get from a young sheep
a material from which car tyres, for example, are made
a material from which clothes are made
a mental process
a metal, chemical symbol Fe, from which steel is made
a metal, chemical symbol Sn, used in the manufacture of food containers
a piece of material used for wiping or cleaning things
a precious metal, chemical symbol Au
a quiet room where you go to think or work
a story performed on stage by actors
a substance used for making a stimulating drink
a substance used, for example, in windows
a tune or melody; also used to describe someone's manner or appearance
an activity performed purely for pleasure; not work
an animal, the young of a sheep
an idea
English, Spanish, Arabic or Japanese, for example
material for writing on
meat from a particular kind of bird
popular name for the medal awarded to the best performer in an Olympic
refers to a cup containing a drink made from this substance
something which you use for tying up parcels, for example
something which you use to get rid of a pencil mark
the activity of learning
the faculty or ability by which human beings communicate with each other
the material obtained from trees with which we make furniture, for example
the part of a guitar, for example, which you pluck in order to make a note
the stuff we breathe in order to stay alive
The Times or The Daily Mirror for example
−   a container for drinking out of
−   a container into which food is put before it is sold
−   a device for taking unwanted creases out of clothes
−   a device which we switch on in a room when it goes dark
−   a form of energy from the sun which enables us to see
−   a group or clump of trees
−   a kind of bird which lives on or near water
−   a kind of meat which we get from a young sheep
−   a material from which car tyres, for example, are made
−   a material from which clothes are made
−   a mental process
−   a metal, chemical symbol Fe, from which steel is made
−   a metal, chemical symbol Sn, used in the manufacture of food containers
−   a piece of material used for wiping or cleaning things
−   a precious metal, chemical symbol Au
−   a quiet room where you go to think or work
−   a story performed on stage by actors
−   a substance used for making a stimulating drink
−   a substance used, for example, in windows
−   a tune or melody; also used to describe someone's manner or appearance
−   an activity performed purely for pleasure; not work
−   an animal, the young of a sheep
−   an idea
−   English, Spanish, Arabic or Japanese, for example
−   material for writing on
−   meat from a particular kind of bird
−   popular name for the medal awarded to the best performer in an Olympic
−   refers to a cup containing a drink made from this substance
−   something which you use for tying up parcels, for example
−   something which you use to get rid of a pencil mark
−   the activity of learning
−   the faculty or ability by which human beings communicate with each other
−   the material obtained from trees with which we make furniture, for example
−   the part of a guitar, for example, which you pluck in order to make a note
−   the stuff we breathe in order to stay alive
−   The Times or The Daily Mirror for example
