Focus on nominals: practice grammar book for intermediate learners of English. Бочарова М.В - 70 стр.


2. Some Adjectives end in -ly and do not have an adverb form
( in a … way/manner)
9 friendly: She gave me a friendly
9 lively: e.g.___________________
9 lovely: e.g.__________________
9 silly: e.g.___________________
9 lonely: e.g.__________________
9 elderly: e.g._________________
9 cowardly: e.g.________________
–/ __________________________
-/ _________________ way ______
3. Some adverbs do not have
an adjective form
9 hardly: e.g.___________________
9 lately: e.g.____________________
4. A couple of adverb forms are
9 good: e.g.___________________ ______ : e.g.____________________
TASK 96. Form adverbs from the following adjectives and formulate the rules.
Safe, stupid, tragic, comic, dramatic, horrible, sensible, impossible, cosy,
sleepy, witty, happy, rare, true, whole, good, cheap, loud, pretty, lazy, polite,
  2. Some Adjectives end in -ly                 and do not have an adverb form
                                                        ( → in a … way/manner)
� friendly: She gave me a friendly           –/ __________________________
smile.                                    way
� lively: e.g.___________________
� lovely: e.g.__________________                              -
� silly: e.g.___________________                              -
� lonely: e.g.__________________                              -
� elderly: e.g._________________                              -
� cowardly: e.g.________________                              -
                                          -/ _________________ way ______

                                                 3. Some adverbs do not have
                                                      an adjective form
                    -                     � hardly: e.g.___________________
                    -                     � lately: e.g.____________________

                                                4. A couple of adverb forms are
 � good: e.g.___________________          ______ : e.g.____________________

TASK 96. Form adverbs from the following adjectives and formulate the rules.
   Safe, stupid, tragic, comic, dramatic, horrible, sensible, impossible, cosy,
   sleepy, witty, happy, rare, true, whole, good, cheap, loud, pretty, lazy, polite,
