Theoretical English Grammar. Part 1. Morphology. Бочарова М.В. - 25 стр.



o The category of Voice is realized only partially by English verbs
o ĺ What types of verbs have both voices (= realise the category)?
– In Russian: Only Monotransitive Verbs followed by the direct Object;
– In English: verbs that take any kind of object (direct, indirect or prepositional).
Verb classes
Types of passive constructions
Monotransitive verbs ĺ Direct passive voice constructions
(Od ĺ S)
Ditransitive verbs ĺ - Direct passive voice constructions
- Indirect passive voice constructions
(Oi (indirect) ĺ S)
Some Prepositional
verbs ĺ
Prepositional passive voice constructions
(Oprep (prepositional) ĺ S)
! some Intransitive
Prepositional passive voice constructions
o Long and short (agentless) passive constructions.
o In the periphery of the functional-semantic field of Directionality there are
non-morphological means:
– the grammaticalized construction “verb + reflexive Pronoun” which expresses
the notion of a self-directed action. Controversy over its status:
(1) the ‘reflexive voice’ ĺ an analytical morphological form with no syn-
tactic relations between its components;
(2) there’s no auxilliary element ĺ a phrase, a syntactic unit with syntac-
tic relations between its components.
o The category of Voice is realized only partially by English verbs

o � What types of verbs have both voices (= realise the category)?

– In Russian: Only Monotransitive Verbs followed by the direct Object;
– In English: verbs that take any kind of object (direct, indirect or prepositional).

       Verb classes                   Types of passive constructions
 Monotransitive verbs � Direct passive voice constructions
                            (Od � S)
 Ditransitive verbs �       - Direct passive voice constructions
                            - Indirect passive voice constructions
                            (Oi (indirect) � S)
 Some Prepositional         Prepositional passive voice constructions
 verbs �                    (Oprep (prepositional) � S)
 ! some Intransitive        Prepositional passive voice constructions

o Long and short (agentless) passive constructions.

o In the periphery of the functional-semantic field of Directionality there are
non-morphological means:

– the grammaticalized construction “verb + reflexive Pronoun” which expresses
the notion of a self-directed action. Controversy over its status:
      (1) the ‘reflexive voice’ � an analytical morphological form with no syn-
      tactic relations between its components;
      (2) there’s no auxilliary element � a phrase, a syntactic unit with syntac-
      tic relations between its components.
