Theoretical English Grammar. Part 1. Morphology. Бочарова М.В. - 30 стр.



Qualitative Adverbs
denote the circum-
stances of an action
named by a Verb ĺ
Adverbs of Place,
Time, etc.
modify a quality named
by an Adj or Adv ĺ
Adverbs of Degree
(Intensifiers and Down-
qualify an action
named by a Verb ĺ
Adverbs of Manner
o Morphological categories:
– form only the category of Degrees of Comparison which is only partially real-
ised by a limited group of Qualitative Adverbs. It is formed:
1. synthetically:
(1a) suppletive forms
(1b) forms homonymous with the cognate adjective forms ( + -er, -est)
2. syntactically (more, most)
o Syntactic functions:
– the Adverbial / Adjunct to a Verb;
– the Adverbial Modifier to an Adj / Adv;
– sometimes the Attribute to a Noun which can stand either in postposition or in
preposition to it.
o a very heterogeneous class whose field overlaps with fields of other lexical-
grammatical classes – Prepositions and Conjunctions. Some of them are ho-
monymous though they perform different syntactic functions.
         Circumstantial                     Qualitative Adverbs
            Adverbs                            �          �
    denote the circum-      modify a quality named qualify an action
    stances of an action    by an Adj or Adv �        named by a Verb �
    named by a Verb �
                            Adverbs of Degree         Adverbs of Manner
    Adverbs of Place,       (Intensifiers and Down-
    Time, etc.              toners)

o Morphological categories:
– form only the category of Degrees of Comparison which is only partially real-
ised by a limited group of Qualitative Adverbs. It is formed:
   1. synthetically:
   (1a) suppletive forms
   (1b) forms homonymous with the cognate adjective forms ( + -er, -est)
   2. syntactically (more, most)

o Syntactic functions:
– the Adverbial / Adjunct to a Verb;
– the Adverbial Modifier to an Adj / Adv;
– sometimes the Attribute to a Noun which can stand either in postposition or in
preposition to it.

o a very heterogeneous class whose field overlaps with fields of other lexical-
grammatical classes – Prepositions and Conjunctions. Some of them are ho-
monymous though they perform different syntactic functions.
