Английский язык: Сборник текстов и упражнений. Бодргина Л.И - 25 стр.


to collect собирать
to provide предоставлять, снабжать
overdraft овердрафт
review обзор
spot спот
spot transaction сделка, спот
spot price цена-спот
swap своп, обмен
swap transaction сделка-своп
advisory консультативный
issue эмиссия
securities ценные бумаги
to represent
representative office
subsidiary дочерняя компания
consortium консорциум
to settle поселяться
I. Translate into Russian:
– tripartite system;
– three-layer cake;
– Governor of the Bank;
– Deputy Governor;
– to issue banknotes;
– to mint coins;
– to borrow money;
– to manage the national debt;
– to control the national gold reserve;
– joint stock bank;
– clearing bank;
– merchant bank;
– discount house.
II. Sum up what the text said about:
– Bank of England;
– commercial banks of the U.K.;
– specialized banking institutions of the U.K.;
– foreign banks in U.K.;
– Lombard Street.
III. Translate those parts of the text which speak about the services of:
– commercial bank;
– merchant banks.
to collect                                собирать
to provide                                предоставлять, снабжать
overdraft                                 овердрафт
review                                    обзор
spot                                      спот
spot transaction                          сделка, спот
spot price                                цена-спот
swap                                      своп, обмен
swap transaction                          сделка-своп
advisory                                  консультативный
issue                                     эмиссия
securities                                ценные бумаги
to represent                              представлять
representative office                     представительство
subsidiary                                дочерняя компания
consortium                                консорциум
to settle                                 поселяться

    I. Translate into Russian:
    – tripartite system;
    – three-layer cake;
    – Governor of the Bank;
    – Deputy Governor;
    – to issue banknotes;
    – to mint coins;
    – to borrow money;
    – to manage the national debt;
    – to control the national gold reserve;
    – joint stock bank;
    – clearing bank;
    – merchant bank;
    – discount house.

    II. Sum up what the text said about:
    – Bank of England;
    – commercial banks of the U.K.;
    – specialized banking institutions of the U.K.;
    – foreign banks in U.K.;
    – Lombard Street.

    III. Translate those parts of the text which speak about the services of:
    – commercial bank;
    – merchant banks.
