Theoretical phonetics. Study guide for second year students. Борискина О.О - 36 стр.


Task4. Complete the text, choosing the relevant option.
English word stress is purely / mainly / not only dynamic. The word stress in
English is fixed / free. The occurrence of the word stress is / is not limited to a
particular syllable in a polysyllabic word. The word stress in English is / is not
shifting. It performs / does not perform the semantic function of differentiating
lexical units, parts of speech, grammatical forms. In English word stress is / is
not used as a means of word-building. Usually (although there are some
exceptions), the stress of a verb / noun is on the last syllable, and that of a verb /
noun is on the first syllable. The rhythmic structure of an isolated word always /
never / may not coincide(s) with that of a phrase. The tempo of speech
influences / does not influence the accentual pattern of words.
Task 5. Compare English and Russian word-stress conventions. What do they
share? Where do they differ? Ref. [Соколова, 2003, pp. 138-146].
Task 6.
A. What function of stress helps to differentiate parts of speech in
English? Can the difference between secondary stress and absence of secondary
stress in the words below be an obstacle in communication?
Discourse noun - a long and serious speech or piece of writing on a particular
discourse on/upon verb - to talk for a long time about a particular subject;
discourse marker - a word used in conversation, for showing a change in the
way the conversation is developing or showing the other speaker how you are
reacting to what they are saying. Typical discourse markers include 'well', 'oh',
and 'OK'.
(c) Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2002.
B. Underline the stressed syllable in pairs of words below. How does the
meaning change with the change of word stress?
Example: to susPECT ( meaning: to have an opinion);
a SUSpect ( meaning: a person under suspicion);
to preSENT ( meaning: to give, to introduce);
a PREsent ( meaning: a gift).
to conflict, a conflict to contest, a contest to contract, a
to convert, a convert to convict, a convict to incline, an
to insult, an insult to object, an object to permit, a
to produce, a produce to project, a project to protest, a
to rebel, a rebel to recall, a recall to reject, a reject
to research, a research to concert, a concert to survey, a
Task4. Complete the text, choosing the relevant option.

English word stress is purely / mainly / not only dynamic. The word stress in
English is fixed / free. The occurrence of the word stress is / is not limited to a
particular syllable in a polysyllabic word. The word stress in English is / is not
shifting. It performs / does not perform the semantic function of differentiating
lexical units, parts of speech, grammatical forms. In English word stress is / is
not used as a means of word-building. Usually (although there are some
exceptions), the stress of a verb / noun is on the last syllable, and that of a verb /
noun is on the first syllable. The rhythmic structure of an isolated word always /
never / may not coincide(s) with that of a phrase. The tempo of speech
influences / does not influence the accentual pattern of words.

Task 5. Compare English and Russian word-stress conventions. What do they
share? Where do they differ? Ref. [Соколова, 2003, pp. 138-146].

Task 6. A. What function of stress helps to differentiate parts of speech in
English? Can the difference between secondary stress and absence of secondary
stress in the words below be an obstacle in communication?
Discourse noun - a long and serious speech or piece of writing on a particular
discourse on/upon verb - to talk for a long time about a particular subject;
discourse marker - a word used in conversation, for showing a change in the
way the conversation is developing or showing the other speaker how you are
reacting to what they are saying. Typical discourse markers include 'well', 'oh',
and 'OK'.
(c) Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2002.

B. Underline the stressed syllable in pairs of words below. How does the
meaning change with the change of word stress?
Example: to susPECT ( meaning: to have an opinion);
a SUSpect ( meaning: a person under suspicion);
to preSENT ( meaning: to give, to introduce);
a PREsent ( meaning: a gift).
to conflict, a conflict       to contest, a contest       to contract, a
to convert, a convert         to convict, a convict       to incline, an
to insult, an insult          to object, an object        to permit, a
to produce, a produce         to project, a project       to protest, a
to rebel, a rebel             to recall, a recall         to reject, a reject
to research, a research       to concert, a concert       to survey, a