Theoretical phonetics. Study guide for second year students. Борискина О.О - 37 стр.


C. Practice reading the following sentences with special attention to the
difference in the word stress of noun and verb.
1. You need to insert a paragraph here on this newspaper insert.
2. How can you object to this object?
3. I'd like to present you with this present.
4. The manufacturer couldn't recall if there'd been a recall.
5. The religious convert wanted to convert the world.
6. The political rebels wanted to rebel against the world.
7. The mogul wanted to record a new record for his latest artist.
8. She makes a good delegate. She knows how to delegate authority.
9. Due to the drought, the fields didn't produce much produce this year.
10.Unfortunately, City Hall wouldn't permit them to get a permit.
Task 7. Find the odd-man-out in the line and comment on the reason why it is
different from the others.
Example: tribute distress festival envelope.
‘Distress’ is an odd-man-out in the line. It is different from the others, because
the second syllable is stressed whereas in three other words the first syllable is
1. person permanent personal persuade
2. surgeon surprise surplus surface
3. cylinder recycle bicycle mystery
4. ceremony compose calculate caravan
5. complete company comment comical
6. comedy command comfortable compass
7. commentary alert legal model
8. register regular request reference
9. famous curious suspicious numerous
10. voluntary compulsory necessary stationary
11. comfortable remarkable profitable sensible
12. energy dignity variety poverty
13. contrast conflict contain conduct
14. provide present permit perfect
15. extract express export escort
16. request record refund refill
17. project profit protest progress
18. conflict conduct conclude content
19. advice desert problem refuse
20. insult perform convert perfect
Task 8.
What function of stress helps listening comprehension? Give evidence.
Task 9. Go to “Introspecting About Your Own Language Learning”(p. 48)
C. Practice reading the following sentences with special attention to the
difference in the word stress of noun and verb.
1. You need to insert a paragraph here on this newspaper insert.
2. How can you object to this object?
3. I'd like to present you with this present.
4. The manufacturer couldn't recall if there'd been a recall.
5. The religious convert wanted to convert the world.
6. The political rebels wanted to rebel against the world.
7. The mogul wanted to record a new record for his latest artist.
8. She makes a good delegate. She knows how to delegate authority.
9. Due to the drought, the fields didn't produce much produce this year.
10.Unfortunately, City Hall wouldn't permit them to get a permit.

Task 7. Find the odd-man-out in the line and comment on the reason why it is
different from the others.
Example: tribute            distress     festival           envelope.
‘Distress’ is an odd-man-out in the line. It is different from the others, because
the second syllable is stressed whereas in three other words the first syllable is
1.     person              permanent                 personal          persuade
2.     surgeon             surprise                  surplus           surface
3.     cylinder            recycle                   bicycle           mystery
4.     ceremony            compose                   calculate         caravan
5.     complete            company                   comment           comical
6.     comedy              command                   comfortable       compass
7.     commentary          alert                     legal             model
8.     register            regular                   request           reference
9.     famous              curious                   suspicious        numerous
10. voluntary              compulsory                necessary         stationary
11. comfortable            remarkable                profitable        sensible
12. energy                 dignity                   variety           poverty
13. contrast               conflict                  contain           conduct
14. provide                present                   permit            perfect
15. extract                express                   export            escort
16. request                record                    refund            refill
17. project                profit                    protest           progress
18. conflict               conduct                   conclude          content
19. advice                 desert                    problem           refuse
20. insult                 perform                   convert           perfect

Task 8. What function of stress helps listening comprehension? Give evidence.

Task 9. Go to “Introspecting About Your Own Language Learning”(p. 48) .