Theoretical phonetics. Study guide for second year students. Борискина О.О - 65 стр.


Comparison of Phonetic and Phonemic Alphabets
The transcription system used to represent NAE consonants and vowels in this text
deviates in some respects from other commonly used transcription systems,
especially with regard to the vowel symbols used. We have made these
modifications to (1) allow the transcription system to more accurately reflect the
sound system of NAE and (2) be of pedagogical value in helping learners of
English approximate the segmental features of the language. The following table
presents a comparison of our alphabet with several other commonly used
systems. The IPA symbols given are from Jones (1991) and represent British
Received Pronunciation (RP).
Comparison Chart: A Phonemic Alphabet for NAE
Key Word
Celce-Murcia, Brinton, and
International Phonetic Alphabet
(Jones 1991)
Oxford Student’s Dictionary of
American English (1986)
Longman Dictionary of
American English (1983)
Prator and Robinett (1985)
Bowen (1975)
Avery and Ehrlich (1992)
1 pen /p/
2 back /b/
3 ten /t/
4 dive /d/
5 cart /k/
6 go /g/
7 chin
/ʧ/ /ʧ/ /ʧ/ /ʧ/ /tš/ /ch/ /ʧ/
8 jam
/ʤ/ /ʤ/ /ʤ/ /ʤ/ /dž/ /j/ /ʤ/
9 fit /f/ /f/ /f/ /f/ /f/ /f/ /f/
10 vat /v/ /v/
11 thin /θ/ /θ/
12 then /ð/ /ð/
13 set /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/ /s/
14 zoo /z/ /z/
15 shoe
/ /
16 beige
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
17 how /h/ /h/
18 mat /m/ /m/
19 net /n/ /n/ /n/ /n/ /n/ /n/ /n/
20 ring /ŋ/ /ŋ/
Comparison of Phonetic and Phonemic Alphabets
The transcription system used to represent NAE consonants and vowels in this text
deviates in some respects from other commonly used transcription systems,
especially with regard to the vowel symbols used. We have made these
modifications to (1) allow the transcription system to more accurately reflect the
sound system of NAE and (2) be of pedagogical value in helping learners of
English approximate the segmental features of the language. The following table
presents a comparison of our alphabet with several other commonly used
systems. The IPA symbols given are from Jones (1991) and represent British
Received Pronunciation (RP).
             Comparison Chart: A Phonemic Alphabet for NAE
                                                International Phonetic Alphabet

                                                                                  Oxford Student’s Dictionary of
                   Celce-Murcia, Brinton, and

                                                                                                                                             Prator and Robinett (1985)

                                                                                                                                                                                         Avery and Ehrlich (1992)
                                                                                  American English (1986)

                                                                                                                   American English (1983)
                                                                                                                   Longman Dictionary of

                                                                                                                                                                          Bowen (1975)
                                                (Jones 1991)
Key Word


1          pen     /p/                          /p/                               /p/                              /p/                       /p/                          /p/            /p/
2          back    /b/                          /b/                               /b/                              /b/                       /b/                          /b/            /b/
3          ten     /t/                          /t/                               /t/                              /t/                       /t/                          /t/            /t/
4          dive    /d/                          /d/                               /d/                              /d/                       /d/                          /d/            /d/
5          cart    /k/                          /k/                               /k/                              /k/                       /k/                          /k/            /k/
6          go      /g/                          /g/                               /g/                              /g/                       /g/                          /g/            /g/
7          chin    /ʧ/                          /ʧ/                               /ʧ/                              /ʧ/                       /tš/                         /ch/           /ʧ/
8          jam     /ʤ/                          /ʤ/                               /ʤ/                              /ʤ/                       /dž/                         /j/            /ʤ/
9          fit     /f/                          /f/                               /f/                              /f/                       /f/                          /f/            /f/
10         vat     /v/                          /v/                               /v/                              /v/                       /v/                          /v/            /v/
11         thin    /θ/                          /θ/                               /θ/                              /θ/                       /θ/                          /th/           /θ/
12         then    /ð/                          /ð/                               /ð/                              /ð/                       /ð/                          /dh/           /ð/
13         set     /s/                          /s/                               /s/                              /s/                       /s/                          /s/            /s/
14         zoo     /z/                          /z/                               /z/                              /z/                       /z/                          /z/            /z/
15         shoe    /ʃ/                          /ʃ/                               /ʃ/                              /ʃ/                       /š/                          /ch/           /ʃ/
16         beige   /ʒ/                          /ʒ/                               /ʒ/                              /ʒ/                       /ž/                          /zh/           /ʒ/
17         how     /h/                          /h/                               /h/                              /h/                       /h/                          /h/            /h/
18         mat     /m/                          /m/                               /m/                              /m/                       /m/                          /m/            /m/
19         net     /n/                          /n/                               /n/                              /n/                       /n/                          /n/            /n/
20         ring    /ŋ/                          /ŋ/                               /ŋ/                              /ŋ/                       /ŋ/                          /ng/           /ŋ/