Theoretical phonetics. Study guide for second year students. Борискина О.О - 77 стр.


Attitudinal function of pausation can be affected through voiced pauses,
which are used to signal hesitation, doubt, suspence. Such pauses have the
quality of the central vowels /
, ə:/. They may be used for emphasis, to attach
special importance to the word, which follows it.
The timbre or the voice quality is a special colouring of the speaker's voice.
It is used to express various emotions and moods, such as joy, anger, sadness,
indignation, etc.
Timbre should not be equated with the voice quality only, which is the
permanently present person-identifying background, it is a more general
concept, applicable to the inherent resonances of any sound. Timbre is studied
along the lines of quality: whisper, breathy, creak, husky, falsetto, resonant, and
qualification: laugh, giggle, tremulousness, sob, cry.
      Attitudinal function of pausation can be affected through voiced pauses,
which are used to signal hesitation, doubt, suspence. Such pauses have the
quality of the central vowels /ə, ə:/. They may be used for emphasis, to attach
special importance to the word, which follows it.
      The timbre or the voice quality is a special colouring of the speaker's voice.
It is used to express various emotions and moods, such as joy, anger, sadness,
indignation, etc.
      Timbre should not be equated with the voice quality only, which is the
permanently present person-identifying background, it is a more general
concept, applicable to the inherent resonances of any sound. Timbre is studied
along the lines of quality: whisper, breathy, creak, husky, falsetto, resonant, and
qualification: laugh, giggle, tremulousness, sob, cry.