Speaking legal English. Борисова Л.А. - 56 стр.



piracy in the United States were eliminated, and reduced abroad, the industry as
a whole would produce an additional 1 million jobs by 2005 and contribute $25
billion in tax revenues.
In addition to the copyright and trademark issues present on the net, patent
law is also becoming a concern. In 1998 the United States Court of Appeals for
the Federal Circuit began allowing business method patents, a type of invention
never before patentable. With the growth of the Internet and electronic
commerce real world and dot com companies rushed to patent all kinds of
business models and methods for conducting business via the Internet. These e-
commerce patents are a little bit business method and a little bit software patent,
and are causing great concern for entrepreneurs and small businesses who are
finding themselves paying royalties for patents that may well be obvious.
Moreover, the Internet has not spared trade secret law either. Perhaps less
of a trade secret problem and more of a criminal problem, hackers are gaining
access to the most sensitive secrets of US companies.
Exercise 4. Answer the following questions to the text.
1. Why are there so many legal problems in cyberspace?
2. How does digitization make the infringement of IP rights easier?
3. What industries face significant problems? Give examples.
4. Why is patent law becoming a concern?
5. What criminal problem do US companies face?
6. What measures should be taken to prevent piracy?
7. What kind of punishment should be imposed on hackers?
Exercise 5. Make a presentation on the topic «IP types».
Exercise 1. Explain the meaning of the following words and translate
them into Russian.
Fundamental rights
Inalienable rights
Human rights
Legal rights
Civil rights
Voting right
The right to privacy
The right to security of person
The right to nationality
To assert/claim a right
To give up a right
To achieve/gain a right
To protect/ safeguard smb's
To infringe rights
To violate rights
To deny smb a right
Freedom of movement
Freedom of choice
piracy in the United States were eliminated, and reduced abroad, the industry as
a whole would produce an additional 1 million jobs by 2005 and contribute $25
billion in tax revenues.
      In addition to the copyright and trademark issues present on the net, patent
law is also becoming a concern. In 1998 the United States Court of Appeals for
the Federal Circuit began allowing business method patents, a type of invention
never before patentable. With the growth of the Internet and electronic
commerce real world and dot com companies rushed to patent all kinds of
business models and methods for conducting business via the Internet. These e-
commerce patents are a little bit business method and a little bit software patent,
and are causing great concern for entrepreneurs and small businesses who are
finding themselves paying royalties for patents that may well be obvious.
      Moreover, the Internet has not spared trade secret law either. Perhaps less
of a trade secret problem and more of a criminal problem, hackers are gaining
access to the most sensitive secrets of US companies.

      Exercise 4. Answer the following questions to the text.

      1.   Why are there so many legal problems in cyberspace?
      2.   How does digitization make the infringement of IP rights easier?
      3.   What industries face significant problems? Give examples.
      4.   Why is patent law becoming a concern?
      5.   What criminal problem do US companies face?
      6.   What measures should be taken to prevent piracy?
      7.   What kind of punishment should be imposed on hackers?

      Exercise 5. Make a presentation on the topic «IP types».


      Exercise 1. Explain the meaning of the following words and translate
them into Russian.
                                              To assert/claim a right
      Fundamental rights                      To give up a right
      Inalienable rights                      To achieve/gain a right
      Human rights                            To protect/ safeguard smb's
      Legal rights                            rights
      Civil rights                            To infringe rights
      Voting right                            To violate rights
      The right to privacy                    To deny smb a right
      The right to security of person         Freedom of movement
      The right to nationality                Freedom of choice