Speaking legal English. Борисова Л.А. - 57 стр.



Disregard and contempt for
human rights
Inhuman treatment
Freedom of opinion and
Degrading treatment
Ɍɨ release
Freedom of speech Ɍɨ detain
Ɍɨ enjoy/ to have freedom Refugee
Ɍɨ achieve/ to gain freedom Harassment
To achieve equality Civilians
Total equality Prisoner of conscience
Equality of opportunity Censorship
To seek political asylum
Exercise 2. Paraphrase the sentences given below using the words from
the Vocabulary section.
1. The American battle for rights that people have in a society whatever
their race, sex or religion may be helped the battle for women’s
2. Attacks and behaviour which is intended to trouble or annoy people
amidst the security vacuum in Iraq have forced people who were made
to leave their country and other foreigners to flee the country.
3. The Chinese government should immediately liberate two Tibetan
prisoners whose medical conditions are deteriorating sharply.
4. The government has imposed strict rules on the press examining all the
information that it publishes.
5. The Human rights organization was set up to safeguard around the
world the basic rights which most nations agree that all people should
6. Millions of women throughout the world live in conditions of abject
deprivation of and attacks against their basic human rights for no other
reason than that they are women.
7. The new syllabus allows students to choose what they want to a
greater extent.
8. People from these minority groups must have the same possibilities.
9. The protesters claimed their right to be heard.
10. Publishers here are comparatively free to publish what they want.
11. Six political prisoners from different countries and of different
political and religious backgrounds were all jailed for peacefully
expressing their political or religious beliefs.
12. Serbia should ensure that all persons arrested during the state of
emergency promptly get access to lawyers.
13. They were citizens with rights given to them by law, which were
being denied to them.