Non-finite verb patterns. Practice grammar book. Чирко Т.М - 48 стр.



9. She didn’t like the sea in Scotland because she … in cold water.
Task 65. Label each of the following sentences as active (A) or passive (P) in
meaning. Translate E ĺ R.
1. Your windows need cleaning. Would you like me to do them for you?
2. I need to clean the windows, but I’ve no time to do that.
3. I want to make a phone call.
4. I know my hair wants cutting. Could you possibly make an appointment at the
hairdresser's for me?
5. Here's a list of the jobs that need doing.
6. We didn't need to hurry.
7. This chapter needs rewriting.
8. The top rim needs to be cut off.
Task 66. Match up the beginnings and endings of the following sentences and
add a suitable verb either with -ing or in the infinitive. Look at the example.
1. The train had to stop suddenly E
2. Max dreads … redundant
3. I'd been calling our dog for ages
4. Poor Alison absolutely dreads...
5. I remember ... it in a safe place
6. I meant ... you a ring to tell you I'd be
7. Polly tried ... happy and relaxed
8. British Rail regrets ... passengers
9. The doctor forgot ... me how often
A. I had to take the tablets.
ȼ. or had I better do it myself?
ɋ. but everyone could see she'd
been crying.
D. but I just didn't have the time.
E. …to avoid… crashing into a
cow standing on the tracks!
F. for a famous actor when I ar-
rived at Madrid airport.
G. if the lifeguard hadn't seen
9. She didn’t like the sea in Scotland because she … in cold water.

Task 65. Label each of the following sentences as active (A) or passive (P) in
meaning. Translate E � R.

1. Your windows need cleaning. Would you like me to do them for you?
2. I need to clean the windows, but I’ve no time to do that.
3. I want to make a phone call.
4. I know my hair wants cutting. Could you possibly make an appointment at the
hairdresser's for me?
5. Here's a list of the jobs that need doing.
6. We didn't need to hurry.
7. This chapter needs rewriting.
8. The top rim needs to be cut off.

Task 66. Match up the beginnings and endings of the following sentences and
add a suitable verb either with -ing or in the infinitive. Look at the example.

 1. The train had to stop suddenly E            A. I had to take the tablets.
 2. Max dreads … redundant                      �. or had I better do it myself?
 3. I'd been calling our dog for ages           �. but everyone could see she'd
 4. Poor Alison absolutely dreads...               been crying.
 5. I remember ... it in a safe place           D. but I just didn't have the time.
 6. I meant ... you a ring to tell you I'd be   E. …to avoid… crashing into a
 late                                              cow standing on the tracks!
 7. Polly tried ... happy and relaxed           F. for a famous actor when I ar-
 8. British Rail regrets ... passengers            rived at Madrid airport.
 9. The doctor forgot ... me how often          G. if the lifeguard hadn't seen
