Методические указания по работе с темой "Clothes and Fashions". Дедова С.А - 43 стр.



This Quest will help develop your skills
in the field of fashion.
Choose your project and use the Websites,
class and library materials,
the rubric and definitions
to guide your journey.
of Fashion
in Fashion
PROJECT 1: Fashion Review
Poster Version
You are a fashion writer for
a major newspaper. Find a
photograph from a
newspaper, magazine or
click on one of the fashion
Websites and choose an
outfit to review. Using the
rubric and fashion review
definitions (below) as a
guide, prepare a poster and
provide information for
boxes 1-4 on the rubric
below. Attach your
photograph to your poster.
Written Article Version
You are a fashion writer for a major
newspaper. Find a photograph from a
newspaper, magazine or click on one of
the fashion Websites and choose an outfit
to review. Using the rubric and fashion
(below) as a
guide, write a
one page
fashion review
and provide
information for
boxes 1-4 on the rubric below. Attach
your photograph to your poster.
                                                                             PROJECT 1: Fashion Review

        This Quest will help develop your skills                 Poster Version                      Written Article Version
                                                                                          You are a fashion writer for a major
               in the field of fashion.
                                                           You are a fashion writer for   newspaper. Find a photograph from a
      Choose your project and use the Websites,            a major newspaper. Find a      newspaper, magazine or click on one of
             class and library materials,                  photograph        from     a   the fashion Websites and choose an outfit
              the rubric and definitions                   newspaper, magazine or         to review. Using the rubric and fashion
                to guide your journey.                     click on one of the fashion    review
                                                           Websites and choose an         definitions
                                                           outfit to review. Using the    (below) as a
                                                           rubric and fashion review      guide, write a
Fashion       Clothing           History       Careers     definitions (below) as a       one        page
Review       Adaptations        of Fashion    in Fashion   guide, prepare a poster and    fashion review
                                                           provide     information  for   and      provide
                                                           boxes 1-4 on the rubric        information for
                                                           below.       Attach     your   boxes 1-4 on the rubric below. Attach
                                                           photograph to your poster.     your photograph to your poster.

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