Методические указания по работе с темой "Clothes and Fashions". Дедова С.А - 44 стр.



Fashion Review Definitions
Elements of Design
1. Describe lines in terms of
structural, decorative, straight,
curved, horizontal, vertical,
diagonal, drapes, or folds.
2. Space refers to
the area
between lines
or print.
3. Do you see any
shapes in the
(outside shape)
or inside the
outfit like
circles, squares, rectangles etc?
4. Describe the color scheme in
terms of monochromatic,
complementary, value, hue
(color), intensity.
5. Describe the textures in this
outfit.(shiny, soft, rough,
smooth, metallic, fuzzy etc)
Principles of Design
1. Do any lines,
spaces, shapes,
colors or
textures draw
your attention
to a center of
interest or
2. What about
balance? Are
the left and right sides of the
outfit the same
(symmetrical/formal balance) or
different (asymmetrical/informal
3. Proportion refers to where the
outfit is divided (waistline,
hipline, empire).
4. Rhythm refers to repetition,
variation and progression of
lines, patterns, colors etc.
5. Harmony refers to agreement
between the parts (does it all go
Fashion Review Rubric
Novice Apprentice Practitioner Expert
1. Designer and
collection (Fall
or Spring) and
type of outfit
bridal career
clothes, evening
wear, workout)
Identifies 1 of
the following:
collection, or
type of outfit
Identifies 2 of
the following:
collection, type
of outfit
Identifies all
three: designer,
collection, type
of outfit
practitioner +
compares and
contrasts to other
designers or prior
collections of this
2. Fabrics,
(ribbon, lace,
ribbon, beads,
feathers, etc)
and accessories
(belts, hats,
collars, shoes,
Identifies 1 of
the following:
Identifies 2 of
the following:
Identifies and
discusses all
practitioner +
compares and
contrasts to other
designers or prior
collections of this
3.Elements of
Design (line,
space, shape,
color, texture)
See Below*
Identifies less
5 Elements
of Design in
this outfit
Identifies all 5
Elements of
Design in this
Identifies and
discusses all 5
Elements of
Design in this
Practitioner +
references to other
art forms
4.Principles of
balance, rhythm
proportion,) See
Below **
Identifies less
5 Elements
of Design in
this outfit
Identifies all 5
Elements of
Design in this
Identifies and
discusses all 5
Elements of
Design in this
Practitioner +
references to other
art forms
Poster design
and photograph
Poster Version
Messy or no
Fair design and
design and
Plus fabrics or
other objects on
                        Fashion Review Definitions                                                                 Fashion Review Rubric

                                                                                                            Novice          Apprentice         Practitioner           Expert
          Elements of Design                       Principles of Design
1.   Describe lines in terms of                              1. Do any lines,       1. Designer and      Identifies 1 of    Identifies 2 of     Identifies all     practitioner +
                                                                                     collection (Fall    the following:     the following:    three: designer,     compares and
     structural, decorative, straight,                            spaces, shapes,
                                                                                     or Spring) and         designer,         designer,       collection, type   contrasts to other
     curved, horizontal, vertical,                                colors       or     type of outfit      collection, or   collection, type       of outfit      designers or prior
     diagonal, drapes, or folds.                                  textures draw        (outerwear,        type of outfit       of outfit                         collections of this
2.   Space refers to                                              your attention      bridal career                                                                   designer
     the          area                                            to a center of    clothes, evening
     between lines                                                interest     or   wear, workout)
     or print.                                                    emphasis?             2. Fabrics,      Identifies 1 of   Identifies 2 of    Identifies and       practitioner +
3.   Do you see any                                          2. What        about      decoration        the following:    the following:      discusses all       compares and
                                                                                     (ribbon, lace,         fabrics,          fabrics,             three:        contrasts to other
     shapes in the                                                balance? Are       ribbon, beads,       decoration,       decoration,           fabrics,       designers or prior
     silhouette                                the left and right sides of the        feathers, etc)      accessories       accessories        decoration,       collections of this
     (outside shape)                           outfit           the         same    and accessories                                            accessories            designer
     or inside the                             (symmetrical/formal balance) or         (belts, hats,
     outfit       like                         different (asymmetrical/informal      collars, shoes,
     triangles,                                balance)?                                  boots)
     circles, squares, rectangles etc?      3. Proportion refers to where the        3.Elements of       Identifies less   Identifies all 5   Identifies and        Practitioner +
                                                                                      Design (line,     than 5 Elements     Elements of       discusses all 5    references to other
4.   Describe the color scheme in              outfit is divided (waistline,
                                                                                      space, shape,       of Design in     Design in this      Elements of            art forms
     terms      of      monochromatic,         hipline, empire).                     color, texture)       this outfit         outfit         Design in this
     complementary,        value,    hue    4. Rhythm refers to repetition,            See Below*                                                 outfit
     (color), intensity.                       variation and progression of          4.Principles of Identifies less       Identifies all 5   Identifies and        Practitioner +
5.   Describe the textures in this             lines, patterns, colors etc.              Design      than 5 Elements        Elements of       discusses all 5    references to other
     outfit.(shiny,      soft,    rough,    5. Harmony refers to agreement             (emphasis,      of Design in        Design in this      Elements of            art forms
     smooth, metallic, fuzzy etc)              between the parts (does it all “go   balance, rhythm     this outfit            outfit         Design in this
                                               together?”)                              harmony,                                                  outfit
                                                                                    proportion,) See
                                                                                        Below **
                                                                                     Poster design       Messy or no       Fair design and       Excellent         Plus fabrics or
                                                                                    and photograph         photo                photo           design and        other objects on
                                                                                    Poster Version                                                photo                poster

                                           87                                                                                      88