чане еще в средние века. Когда юный Доджсон приехал в Окс-
форд, там велись оживленные дебаты о происхождении этого об-
раза. Уроженец Чешира, Доджсон заинтересовался ими. Некото-
рые ученые полагали, что пословица эта идет от вывесок у входа
в старые чеширские таверны. С незапамятных времен на них изо-
бражался оскаливший зубы
леопард со щитом в лапах, а так как
доморощенные художники, писавшие вывески, леопардов нико-
гда не видали, он и походил на улыбающегося кота.
Были и другие теории о происхождении этой странной по-
словицы. Ну, а родные доктора Доджсона считали, что Чешир-
ский Кот просто одни из тех многочисленных котов, с
в детстве водил дружбу Чарльз.
4. Read the comments by Marc Edmund Jones for Chapter IV
and say what you think about it.
The seventh great principle of wisdom in the Philosophy of
Concepts as revealed through the adventures of Alice is that genius is
insanity usefully applied. The close interrelation between genius and
insanity is thoroughly recognized by the world at large today. Genius
and insanity are identical in the fact that both are abnormality.
Here is the principle of reality. Reality is a function of duration
or time. The principle of reality gives proper distinction between con-
scious experience and dreams. Of the three characters here met by Al-
ice, two are indicated as insane and the third symbolizes an equally
unbalanced but more passive condition. The hare is said to be mad in
March because of the frenzied antics of these animals during their rut-
ting time in that month. The phrase as mad as a hatter is of unknown
origin but probably of ironical force originally from the character of
the type now somewhat duplicated by the male milliner or dressmaker.
The dormouse eats nuts, suggesting the squirrel of present-day slang or
the American species to which it is most closely related, and goes into
a stupor during cold weather. Here are the three forms of unbalance in
the higher vehicles of man, or the emotional and mental and habit na-
tures in order of their speaking to Alice, and she is most puzzled by
this contact with her inner selves as they are now developing into
seeming unbalance. Her mentality attempts to establish liaison with
her and fails to recite «Twinkle, twinkle, little star» correctly. Her hab-
its attempt to involve all three selves or three sisters in the superficial
lure of life. Treacle is the common British term for molasses.
In this experience time is always six and life is always the mad
tea party for the intensification of experience with the physical Alice
succeeding to the untidy places at the table of being as they are made
untidy for her by her own higher selves in terms of this inner symbol-
The law of applied psychology or the seventh big idea for the
solution of personal problems is brought out here in the technique of
liaison or contact. «No room! No room!» cry all the factors of life in
unison to the newcomer.
1. Find the following word-combinations in the text, translate
them and reproduce the episodes they are used in.
• To jog smb’s elbow
• To lay the blame on smb
• Courtiers
• A pack of cards
• Pattern
• To turn crimson
• To make smb giddy
• To be under sentence of execution
• Mallet
• To give smb a blow
• To wait for turns
• In less than no time
2. Answer the questions:
1) What settings, characters and actions are sharply apart
from realistic modes?
2) What is your general impression of the chapter? Read the
article and say what the roots of grotesque and chaos in ‘Alice’ are.
чане еще в средние века. Когда юный Доджсон приехал в Окс- its attempt to involve all three selves or three sisters in the superficial форд, там велись оживленные дебаты о происхождении этого об- lure of life. Treacle is the common British term for molasses. раза. Уроженец Чешира, Доджсон заинтересовался ими. Некото- In this experience time is always six and life is always the mad рые ученые полагали, что пословица эта идет от вывесок у входа tea party for the intensification of experience with the physical Alice в старые чеширские таверны. С незапамятных времен на них изо- succeeding to the untidy places at the table of being as they are made бражался оскаливший зубы леопард со щитом в лапах, а так как untidy for her by her own higher selves in terms of this inner symbol- доморощенные художники, писавшие вывески, леопардов нико- ism. гда не видали, он и походил на улыбающегося кота. The law of applied psychology or the seventh big idea for the Были и другие теории о происхождении этой странной по- solution of personal problems is brought out here in the technique of словицы. Ну, а родные доктора Доджсона считали, что Чешир- liaison or contact. «No room! No room!» cry all the factors of life in ский Кот просто одни из тех многочисленных котов, с которыми unison to the newcomer. в детстве водил дружбу Чарльз. Chapter VIII. THE QUEEN'S CROQUET-GROUND 4. Read the comments by Marc Edmund Jones for Chapter IV and say what you think about it. 1. Find the following word-combinations in the text, translate them and reproduce the episodes they are used in. The seventh great principle of wisdom in the Philosophy of Concepts as revealed through the adventures of Alice is that genius is • To jog smb’s elbow insanity usefully applied. The close interrelation between genius and • To lay the blame on smb insanity is thoroughly recognized by the world at large today. Genius • Courtiers and insanity are identical in the fact that both are abnormality. • A pack of cards Here is the principle of reality. Reality is a function of duration • Pattern or time. The principle of reality gives proper distinction between con- • To turn crimson scious experience and dreams. Of the three characters here met by Al- • To make smb giddy ice, two are indicated as insane and the third symbolizes an equally • To be under sentence of execution unbalanced but more passive condition. The hare is said to be mad in • Mallet March because of the frenzied antics of these animals during their rut- ting time in that month. The phrase as mad as a hatter is of unknown • To give smb a blow origin but probably of ironical force originally from the character of • To wait for turns the type now somewhat duplicated by the male milliner or dressmaker. • In less than no time The dormouse eats nuts, suggesting the squirrel of present-day slang or 2. Answer the questions: the American species to which it is most closely related, and goes into a stupor during cold weather. Here are the three forms of unbalance in 1) What settings, characters and actions are sharply apart the higher vehicles of man, or the emotional and mental and habit na- from realistic modes? tures in order of their speaking to Alice, and she is most puzzled by 2) What is your general impression of the chapter? Read the this contact with her inner selves as they are now developing into article and say what the roots of grotesque and chaos in ‘Alice’ are. seeming unbalance. Her mentality attempts to establish liaison with her and fails to recite «Twinkle, twinkle, little star» correctly. Her hab- 27 28
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