Writing Formal and Informal Letters. Part 1. Домбровская И.В - 27 стр.


Exercise 12
Some English friends, Peter and Sue Hall, have written to you for advice. Their 20-
year-old son, Tom, wants to get a job teaching English in your country. This is part
of the letter you have received from them.
Tom's doing a teacher training course at the moment, as you know, but he
thinks he ought to learn something of the language before he comes, which seems
like a good idea. He's bought a 'Teach Yourself book on the language, but we
were wondering if you had any other suggestions which would help him. It's quite
a while since he studied a language at school, so he'd also be really grateful for
some general tips on learning a language.
Write a letter to Tom giving advice and any helpful suggestions that you can.
Write about 120-180 words excluding the address.
1 Read the question carefully and highlight the key
points. Ask yourself:
-What's the purpose of your letter?
-What two things do you need to give advice on?
CONTENT 2 Work with another student - one who speaks your
language if possible.
a What would be the advantages of Tom being able to
speak a bit of your language when he arrives?
b Think about the language: is there anything an English
speaker would find particularly unusual or difficult
(pronunciation/grammar/writing system, etc.)?
c Make a list of all the things Tom could do to learn
your language, from having private lessons or buying a
cassette course to tuning into radio broadcasts. Think
about the pros and cons in terms of cost, time and effec-
tiveness. Decide which method seems most realistic. Is
there anything you could do to help - e.g. send maga-
zines or simple books?
d Write down any general tips on learning a language
that you think would be helpful. Use your own experi-
ence as far as possible.
Organisation 3 Working individually, make a plan for your letter.
Decide on the main sections you want to have and
think about the best way to organise them. Jot down
the main points for each section. Think of a suitable
introduction and conclusion.
Layout 4 Before you begin, look through an example of the
layout of an informal letter and useful language.

Exercise 12
Some English friends, Peter and Sue Hall, have written to you for advice. Their 20-
year-old son, Tom, wants to get a job teaching English in your country. This is part
of the letter you have received from them.
    Tom's doing a teacher training course at the moment, as you know, but he
thinks he ought to learn something of the language before he comes, which seems
like a good idea. He's bought a 'Teach Yourself’ book on the language, but we
were wondering if you had any other suggestions which would help him. It's quite
a while since he studied a language at school, so he'd also be really grateful for
some general tips on learning a language.
Write a letter to Tom giving advice and any helpful suggestions that you can.
Write about 120-180 words excluding the address.

                1 Read the question carefully and highlight the key
               points. Ask yourself:
                 -What's the purpose of your letter?
                 -What two things do you need to give advice on?
CONTENT        2 Work with another student - one who speaks your
               language if possible.
                 a What would be the advantages of Tom being able to
                 speak a bit of your language when he arrives?
                 b Think about the language: is there anything an English
                 speaker would find particularly unusual or difficult
                 (pronunciation/grammar/writing system, etc.)?
                 c Make a list of all the things Tom could do to learn
                 your language, from having private lessons or buying a
                 cassette course to tuning into radio broadcasts. Think
                 about the pros and cons in terms of cost, time and effec-
                 tiveness. Decide which method seems most realistic. Is
                 there anything you could do to help - e.g. send maga-
                 zines or simple books?
                 d Write down any general tips on learning a language
                 that you think would be helpful. Use your own experi-
                 ence as far as possible.
Organisation   3 Working individually, make a plan for your letter.
                 Decide on the main sections you want to have and
                 think about the best way to organise them. Jot down
                 the main points for each section. Think of a suitable
                 introduction and conclusion.
Layout         4 Before you begin, look through an example of the
                 layout of an informal letter and useful language.