Writing Formal and Informal Letters. Part 1. Домбровская И.В - 7 стр.


Adequate organisation; simple linking devices.
Presentation and register on the whole appropriate to purpose and
Overall: a satisfactory effect on the target
Band 2 Task set attempted but not adequately achieved because of:
Some omissions and/or irrelevant material.
Range of structure and vocabulary rather limited; errors may ob-
scure communication.
Inconsistent organisation; few linking devices.
Unsuccessful attempts at appropriate presentation and register.
Overall: message not clearly communicated to
target reader.
Band 1 Task set not achieved because of:
Notable omissions and/or considerable irrelevance.
Narrow range of vocabulary and structure; little or no language
Lack of organisation and linking devices.
Little or no awareness of appropriate presentation and register.
Overall: a very negative effect on the tar-
get reader.
Band 0
Too little language for assessment.PREPARING FOR P
Candidates are asked to write 120-180 words for each answer. For answers that are
below length, the examiner adjusts the maximum mark and the mark given propor-
tionately. For answers that are over-length, the examiner draws a line at the approxi-
mate place where the correct length is reached and directs close assessment to what
comes before this. However, credit is given for relevant material appearing later.
Handwriting and Spelling
Poor handwriting, spelling errors or faulty punctuation are not specifically penalised,
but the overall impression mark may be adjusted if it is felt that communication is
impeded. American usage and spelling are acceptable.
The examiners' first priority is to give credit for the candidates' efforts at communica-
tion, but candidates who introduce blatantly irrelevant material learned by heart or
who deliberately misinterpret the question are penalised.
Background Reading Texts
In Question 5, the examiners are looking for evidence that candidates have read and
appreciated a set text and are able to provide evidence of this in the form of illus-
trated description and discussion. Judgement is based, as for the other tasks, on con-
trol of language in the given context rather than on content or interpretation, though it

                   • Adequate organisation; simple linking devices.
                   • Presentation and register on the whole appropriate to purpose and

                   Overall: a satisfactory effect on the target
     Band 2        Task set attempted but not adequately achieved because of:
                   • Some omissions and/or irrelevant material.
                   • Range of structure and vocabulary rather limited; errors may ob-
                   scure communication.
                   • Inconsistent organisation; few linking devices.
                   • Unsuccessful attempts at appropriate presentation and register.

                   Overall: message not clearly communicated to
                   target reader.
     Band 1        Task set not achieved because of:
                   • Notable omissions and/or considerable irrelevance.
                   • Narrow range of vocabulary and structure; little or no language
                   • Lack of organisation and linking devices.
                   • Little or no awareness of appropriate presentation and register.

                   Overall: a very negative effect on the tar-
                   get reader.
     Band 0        Too little language for assessment.PREPARING FOR P APER

Candidates are asked to write 120-180 words for each answer. For answers that are
below length, the examiner adjusts the maximum mark and the mark given propor-
tionately. For answers that are over-length, the examiner draws a line at the approxi-
mate place where the correct length is reached and directs close assessment to what
comes before this. However, credit is given for relevant material appearing later.
Handwriting and Spelling
Poor handwriting, spelling errors or faulty punctuation are not specifically penalised,
but the overall impression mark may be adjusted if it is felt that communication is
impeded. American usage and spelling are acceptable.
The examiners' first priority is to give credit for the candidates' efforts at communica-
tion, but candidates who introduce blatantly irrelevant material learned by heart or
who deliberately misinterpret the question are penalised.
Background Reading Texts
In Question 5, the examiners are looking for evidence that candidates have read and
appreciated a set text and are able to provide evidence of this in the form of illus-
trated description and discussion. Judgement is based, as for the other tasks, on con-
trol of language in the given context rather than on content or interpretation, though it