Vocabulary list:
1. allied subjects - смежные науки
2. extent(n) - широта
3. prime movers -первичные двигатели
4. applied mechanics - прикладная механика
Mechanical Engineering
1. Mechanical engineering has been recognized as a separate
branch of engineering since the formation of the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers of Great Britain in 1847. The development
of the textile machinery, steam engines, machine-tools, pumping
machinery, turbines and locomotives of that time made such a
diversity interest for civilian engineers that these and allied
subjects were called mechanical engineering.
2. Mechanical engineering deals with the design, construction
and operation of machines and devices of all kinds, and with
research and sciences upon which these depend. Among these
machines are prime movers such as engines and turbines using
air, gas, steam and water as operating media; pumping machines
and other hydraulic apparatus; steam boilers, heating, ventilating,
air conditioning and refrigerating equipment, transportation
structures used in aviation; automotive engineering, railroads and
ships, machine-tools, special machines for industry and for
construction of buildings, railroads and harbors. In fact,
mechanical engineering enters into the work of all engineers
whose machines are to be developed for the processes of
specialists of the other branches of engineering.
3. To understand better the extent of the activities and interests
of mechanical engineers, the following lists of the professional
divisions and technical committees of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) are given: professional divisions,
applied mechanics, aviation, fuel, graphic arts (printing), heat
transfer, hydraulics, industrial instruments and regulators,
management, materials handling, metals engineering, oil and gas
power, process industries, production engineering, railroad,
rubber and plastics, textiles, wood industries.
II. а) Point out the questions that you can answer, using
information from the text.
б) Answer the questions in written form.
1. When did a profession of mechanical engineer appear?
2. What devices of the textile industry arise great interest?
3. What is the purpose of creating technical committees of
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers?
4. What are the professional divisions and technical
committees of the American Society of Mechanical
5. Why is it important to know the design, construction and
operation of the devices?
III. Read these sentences and arrange them according to the
logic of the text.
1. Mechanical engineering enters into the work of all
2. Mechanical engineering deals with the design,
construction and operation of machines of all kinds.
3. Professional divisions of ASME are the following:
applied mechanics, aviation, fuel, graphic arts, heat
transfer and etc.
4. The formation of the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers has been recognized as a separate branch of
engineering in Great Britain in 1847.
5. The development of the machinery, steam engines,
machine-tools made a diversity interest for civilian
IV. Fill in the table according to the information of the text.
Vocabulary list: power, process industries, production engineering, railroad, 1. allied subjects - смежные науки rubber and plastics, textiles, wood industries. 2. extent(n) - широта 3. prime movers -первичные двигатели II. а) Point out the questions that you can answer, using 4. applied mechanics - прикладная механика information from the text. б) Answer the questions in written form. Mechanical Engineering 1. When did a profession of mechanical engineer appear? 1. Mechanical engineering has been recognized as a separate 2. What devices of the textile industry arise great interest? branch of engineering since the formation of the Institution of 3. What is the purpose of creating technical committees of Mechanical Engineers of Great Britain in 1847. The development the American Society of Mechanical Engineers? of the textile machinery, steam engines, machine-tools, pumping 4. What are the professional divisions and technical machinery, turbines and locomotives of that time made such a committees of the American Society of Mechanical diversity interest for civilian engineers that these and allied Engineers? subjects were called mechanical engineering. 5. Why is it important to know the design, construction and 2. Mechanical engineering deals with the design, construction operation of the devices? and operation of machines and devices of all kinds, and with research and sciences upon which these depend. Among these III. Read these sentences and arrange them according to the machines are prime movers such as engines and turbines using logic of the text. air, gas, steam and water as operating media; pumping machines and other hydraulic apparatus; steam boilers, heating, ventilating, 1. Mechanical engineering enters into the work of all air conditioning and refrigerating equipment, transportation engineers. structures used in aviation; automotive engineering, railroads and 2. Mechanical engineering deals with the design, ships, machine-tools, special machines for industry and for construction and operation of machines of all kinds. construction of buildings, railroads and harbors. In fact, 3. Professional divisions of ASME are the following: mechanical engineering enters into the work of all engineers applied mechanics, aviation, fuel, graphic arts, heat whose machines are to be developed for the processes of transfer and etc. specialists of the other branches of engineering. 4. The formation of the Institution of Mechanical 3. To understand better the extent of the activities and interests Engineers has been recognized as a separate branch of of mechanical engineers, the following lists of the professional engineering in Great Britain in 1847. divisions and technical committees of the American Society of 5. The development of the machinery, steam engines, Mechanical Engineers (ASME) are given: professional divisions, machine-tools made a diversity interest for civilian applied mechanics, aviation, fuel, graphic arts (printing), heat engineers. transfer, hydraulics, industrial instruments and regulators, management, materials handling, metals engineering, oil and gas IV. Fill in the table according to the information of the text.
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