Методические указания и контрольное задание №5 по английскому языку. Доржиева Г.Б - 8 стр.


VI. Clichés for rendering of the article:
The headline of the article
- The article I’ve read (looked through) is headlined …(is
entitled…, is called…)
- The article under rendering is entitled…
- The article is headlined…
II. GIST (the main idea of the article)
- The article is devoted to …, is about…, is concerned…
- The article deals with …, touches upon …, concerns…
- The main idea of the article is…
III. SUMMARY (the contents of the article)
- The story opens with…
- In the introduction to the article the author mentions…
- The author believes, depicts, dwells on, touches on,
explains, considers, analyses, comments on, points out,
enumerates, makes a few critical remarks on, accuses,
- The article goes on to say that…
- According to the article...
- The story ends with…
- Finally, the author concludes that…
IV.THE PROBLEMS raised in the article. The author’s
treatment of the problems.
- The author raises the problem of …
- Saying all these the author raises the problem
- The problem raised by the author is very serious / acute,
V. COMMENTS (your treatment of the problem).
- I agree with the author here…
- I disagree with the author and I’d like to reason it…
- In my commentary I’d like to dwell on …/ point out,
emphasize, outline, analyze…
VI. CONCLUSION (your opinion of the article).
- In conclusion I’d like to say…
- I found the article up-to-date / urgent, topical, dull, of no
value, of no importance…
- The article turned out to be very informative…
Вариант 3
Задание I.
I. Read the text and answer the question in written form, using
the vocabulary list.
What were the reasons for immigration for people from all over
the world? Did they come by their own choice?
Vocabulary list:
1. starvation (n) – голод
2. persecution (n) – преследование
3. refugee (n) – беженец
4. turmoil (n) – беспорядок, смятение
5. heritage (n) – наследие
6. intoleration (n) – нетерпимость
7. disaster (n) – катастрофа
8. flee (fled, fled) (v) – бежать прочь
Patterns of Immigration
1. Major changes in the pattern of immigration have been
caused by wars, revolutions, periods of starvation, persecutions,
religious intoleration, and, in short, by any number of disasters
which led people to believe that America was a better place to
be. More than a million Irish, for instance, emigrated to
America between 1846 and 1851in order to escape starvation
and disease in Ireland. During the same period, large numbers
of other Europeans fled political persecution. And in the 1870s
another wave of refugees left the political turmoil of eastern and
southern Europe to seek freedom and a future in America. The
largest streams of European immigrants came between 1900
and 1920, that is, before, after, and during World War II. At
VI. Clichés for rendering of the article:                             -    I found the article up-to-date / urgent, topical, dull, of no
I. INTRODUCTION                                                            value, of no importance…
The headline of the article                                           -    The article turned out to be very informative…
     - The article I’ve read (looked through) is headlined …(is
        entitled…, is called…)
     - The article under rendering is entitled…                                             Вариант 3
     - The article is headlined…                                   Задание I.
II. GIST (the main idea of the article)                            I. Read the text and answer the question in written form, using
     - The article is devoted to …, is about…, is concerned…       the vocabulary list.
     - The article deals with …, touches upon …, concerns…         What were the reasons for immigration for people from all over
     - The main idea of the article is…                            the world? Did they come by their own choice?
III. SUMMARY (the contents of the article)
     - The story opens with…                                                                  Vocabulary list:
     - In the introduction to the article the author mentions…        1.   starvation (n) – голод
     - The author believes, depicts, dwells on, touches on,           2.   persecution (n) – преследование
        explains, considers, analyses, comments on, points out,       3.   refugee (n) – беженец
        enumerates, makes a few critical remarks on, accuses,         4.   turmoil (n) – беспорядок, смятение
        exposes.                                                      5.   heritage (n) – наследие
     - The article goes on to say that…                               6.   intoleration (n) – нетерпимость
     - According to the article...                                    7.   disaster (n) – катастрофа
     - The story ends with…                                           8.   flee (fled, fled) (v) – бежать прочь
     - Finally, the author concludes that…
IV.THE PROBLEMS raised in the article. The author’s                                    Patterns of Immigration
treatment of the problems.
     - The author raises the problem of …                              1. Major changes in the pattern of immigration have been
     - Saying all these the author raises the problem …            caused by wars, revolutions, periods of starvation, persecutions,
     - The problem raised by the author is very serious / acute,   religious intoleration, and, in short, by any number of disasters
        pressing…                                                  which led people to believe that America was a better place to
V. COMMENTS (your treatment of the problem).                       be. More than a million Irish, for instance, emigrated to
     - I agree with the author here…                               America between 1846 and 1851in order to escape starvation
     - I disagree with the author and I’d like to reason it…       and disease in Ireland. During the same period, large numbers
     - In my commentary I’d like to dwell on …/ point out,         of other Europeans fled political persecution. And in the 1870s
        emphasize, outline, analyze…                               another wave of refugees left the political turmoil of eastern and
VI. CONCLUSION (your opinion of the article).                      southern Europe to seek freedom and a future in America. The
     - In conclusion I’d like to say…                              largest streams of European immigrants came between 1900
                                                                   and 1920, that is, before, after, and during World War II. At