Test Your English: Preparation Guide. Дворжец О.С - 84 стр.



up there.
What else do you miss apart
from the weather?
Friends! And in the evening
Tell me about that a bit.
Well, up here its all you
do, its mostly indoors. But
over there its open air, most of
the things, you can go for a
walk in the evening, beautiful
gardens and all this stuff. And
up here even its nice gardens
and things, but weather spoils
I know you’re involved in an
English teaching project in
Oxford and Id like you to
tell me something about that
now. What sort of people do
you teach?
Well I mostly teach peo-
ple whose language is, Eng-
lish is a second language.
Well, mostly people are from
Pakistan, Bangladesh and
India, and some of them have
got Chinese students as well,
and Korean, and sometimes
one girl we got from Rus-
sia as well. So I teach most of
them, yeah, if their English,
if they need in English, so I
teach them as well.
T7 P = Paul S = Stephanie
I saw a programme on TV last
night about the breaking
down of the Berlin Wall. Its
incredible how rapidly the
situation in Eastern Europe is
changing. I wish I knew more
about the history of all this.
Why dont you talk to Ivan?
His family is Russian, I think.
He certainly knows all about
it, anyway.
Yes, thats a great idea, but I
dont know him very well. Id
like to meet him informally at
a party or something like that.
I know, you could organize
Funny you should mention
that. I was thinking of having
a party for my birthday in a
couple of weeks time; Ill
invite him. But if you’re seri-
ously interested in Russia and
what its like, its worth join-
ing the Anglo-Soviet Friend-
ship Society.
What exactly is that?
Its a group which organizes
social evenings and educa-
tional visits and exchanges.
You really get to know the
Russian community here too.
I go along every now and then
with Ivan. How about coming
with us the next time we go?
Yes, great. I wont have to
learn Russian though, will I?
No, silly.
T8 V1 = Tom V2 = Sam
V3 = Hanna
Hello Sam and Hannah. Do
come in.
Good afternoon, Tom.
Good afternoon, Tom.
Its good of you both to
come today. We really need
to think about the benefits to
the company if we move to
the Innovations Park.
Itll be great and Im really
looking forward to it.
Im afraid, Sam, that the
final decision is out of our
hands. Head Office wants to
hear what we have to say but
in the end
But its such a marvelous
opportunity. Just to have our
own purpose-built factory
would make such a differ-
ence to efficiency and
I agree that it would be good
to have a brand new building
but there is a down side you
know. The Innovations Park
is at least four miles from
the centre of town. A lot of
our workforce are going to
be put off by that.
I doubt that. If we were to
offer a bus service at the
beginning and end of every
shift I think people would be
keen to stay with us.
We want their expertise and
experience and their loyalty.
I agree with Hannah that we
have a good, solid workforce
and we want to keep as many
of them as possible. Your bus
idea is a good one, Sam.
There are financial implica-
tions but Ill raise that with
the Chief Executive. Now
any other pluses or minuses?
I think it would be good for
our image as a modern
manufacturing company to
be based in the Park.
Yes, it certainly would and
thered be more space to en-
tertain important customers. I
was thinking along the lines
of a corporate dining room
rather than just a canteen.
Yes, Im sure that would be
good for business. Im still
not convinced that people
would be willing to travel
out there for work. Many of
them like being close to the
shopping centre and schools
and so on. Thats important
for our female staff and, as
you know, 65 per cent of the
   up there.                                 P   I saw a programme on TV last            Yes, great. I won’t have to                  offer a bus service at the
I  What else do you miss apart                   night about the breaking           S    learn Russian though, will I?                beginning and end of every
   from the weather?                             down of the Berlin Wall. It’s           No, silly.                                   shift I think people would be
M Friends! And in the evening                    incredible how rapidly the                                                           keen to stay with us.
   atmosphere.                                   situation in Eastern Europe is     T8     V1 = Tom        V2 = Sam              V3   We want their expertise and
I  Tell me about that a bit.                     changing. I wish I knew more              V3 = Hanna                                 experience and their loyalty.
M Well, up here it’s … all you                   about the history of all this.     V1    Hello Sam and Hannah. Do               V1   I agree with Hannah that we
   do, it’s mostly indoors. But              S   Why don’t you talk to Ivan?              come in.                                    have a good, solid workforce
   over there it’s open air, most of             His family is Russian, I think.    V2    Good afternoon, Tom.                        and we want to keep as many
   the things, you can go for a                  He certainly knows all about       V3    Good afternoon, Tom.                        of them as possible. Your bus
   walk in the evening, beautiful                it, anyway.                        V1    It’s good of you both to                    idea is a good one, Sam.
   gardens and all this stuff. And           P   Yes, that’s a great idea, but I          come today. We really need                  There are financial implica-
   up here even it’s nice gardens                don’t know him very well. I’d            to think about the benefits to              tions but I’ll raise that with
   and things, but weather spoils                like to meet him informally at           the company if we move to                   the Chief Executive. Now
   it.                                           a party or something like that.          the Innovations Park.                       any other pluses or minuses?
I  I know you’re involved in an                  I know, you could organize         V2    It’ll be great and I’m really          V3   I think it would be good for
   English teaching project in                   one!                                     looking forward to it.                      our image as a modern
   Oxford and I’d like you to                S   Funny you should mention           V1    I’m afraid, Sam, that the                   manufacturing company to
   tell me something about that                  that. I was thinking of having           final decision is out of our                be based in the Park.
   now. What sort of people do                   a party for my birthday in a             hands. Head Office wants to            V1   Yes, it certainly would and
   you teach?                                    couple of week’s time; I’ll              hear what we have to say but                there’d be more space to en-
M … Well I mostly teach peo-                     invite him. But if you’re seri-          in the end …                                tertain important customers. I
   ple whose language is, Eng-                   ously interested in Russia and     V2    But it’s such a marvelous                   was thinking along the lines
   lish is a second language.                    what it’s like, it’s worth join-         opportunity. Just to have our               of a corporate dining room
   Well, mostly people are from                  ing the Anglo-Soviet Friend-             own purpose-built factory                   rather than just a canteen.
   Pakistan, Bangladesh and                      ship Society.                            would make such a differ-              V3   Yes, I’m sure that would be
   India, and some of them have              P   What exactly is that?                    ence to efficiency and …                    good for business. I’m still
   got Chinese students as well,             S   It’s a group which organizes       V3    I agree that it would be good               not convinced that people
   and Korean, and sometimes                     social evenings and educa-               to have a brand new building                would be willing to travel
   … one girl we got from Rus-                   tional visits and exchanges.             but there is a down side you                out there for work. Many of
   sia as well. So I teach most of               You really get to know the               know. The Innovations Park                  them like being close to the
   them, yeah, if their English,                 Russian community here too.              is at least four miles from                 shopping centre and schools
   if they need in English, so I                 I go along every now and then            the centre of town. A lot of                and so on. That’s important
   teach them as well.                           with Ivan. How about coming              our workforce are going to                  for our female staff and, as
 T7 P = Paul S = Stephanie                   P   with us the next time we go?             be put off by that.                         you know, 65 per cent of the
                                                                                    V2    I doubt that. If we were to
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