ens to good modern writers such as Michael Ondatje and Gaston Leroux
might be invaluable for learning the English language as well as the British
and American culture. The application of communicative teaching techniques
to the study of the kind can with a bit of imagination and flexibility, produce
excellent results.
Tapescripts and recording symbols
Exercises using audio/scripted recordings are marked
Exercises using video recordings are marked
T .
V .
Student's Audio Cassette
1. Interview with students from England and Scotland: films you like.
2. Interview with a film director.
3. Choosing the best actors: 50 most influential actors of the previous cen-
4. Stars of the early silver screen.
5. More stories about stars.
6. Critical review of Casablanca.
7. Interview "Your opinion on Casablanca".
8. Profile about I. Bergman.
9. Profile about H. Bogart.
10. Song "As time goes by".
Video Cassette
Film Casablanca
Material used
Activity description
Magazine articles/ film
reviews/ video blurbs/
T .
Vocabulary: types of films.
Listening. Speaking.
Vocabulary exercise.
T1 Interview
with students
from England
and Scotland:
films you like.
Vocabulary box: talking
about films.
Speaking: a) who's who
behind the camera; b) how
a film is made.
Vocabulary exercise.
Pictures: who's who be-
hind the camera? Gapped
chart – how a film is
Speaking: cinema industry
in the USA, Russia.
Texts on Hollywood, the
biggest film factory in the
world: past and present.
4 5
Speaking: the greatest
movies. Jigsaw reading.
Reading exercise. Articles
about two Hollywood
6.1 6.2
Speaking: recommending
a film.
Film reviews.
Reading exercise.
7.1 7.2
Reading and writing video
Back cover video blurbs.
Reading and writing ex-
8.1 8.2
Speaking. Listening: top
international directors.
Speaking exercise.
T2 Interview
with a film
ens to good modern writers such as Michael Ondatje and Gaston Leroux COURSE STRUCTURE might be invaluable for learning the English language as well as the British and American culture. The application of communicative teaching techniques PART I. TALKING ABOUT FILMS to the study of the kind can with a bit of imagination and flexibility, produce Material used Tasks Activity description Magazine articles/ film excellent results. reviews/ video blurbs/ T . exercises/texts Tapescripts and recording symbols 1.1 Vocabulary: types of films. Vocabulary exercise. T1 Interview Listening. Speaking. with students Exercises using audio/scripted recordings are marked T . 1.2 from England and Scotland: Exercises using video recordings are marked V . films you like. 2.1 Vocabulary box: talking Vocabulary exercise. Student's Audio Cassette about films. Pictures: who's who be- 1. Interview with students from England and Scotland: films you like. 2.2 Speaking: a) who's who hind the camera? Gapped 2. Interview with a film director. behind the camera; b) how chart – how a film is 2.3 a film is made. made. 3. Choosing the best actors: 50 most influential actors of the previous cen- tury. 4. Stars of the early silver screen. 3.1 Reading. Texts on Hollywood, the Speaking: cinema industry biggest film factory in the 5. More stories about stars. in the USA, Russia. world: past and present. 3.2 6. Critical review of Casablanca. 7. Interview "Your opinion on Casablanca". 3.3 8. Profile about I. Bergman. 9. Profile about H. Bogart. 4 5 Speaking: the greatest Reading exercise. Articles 10. Song "As time goes by". movies. Jigsaw reading. about two Hollywood films. Video Cassette 6.1 6.2 Reading. Film reviews. Film Casablanca Speaking: recommending Reading exercise. a film. 7.1 7.2 Reading and writing video Back cover video blurbs. blurbs. Reading and writing ex- ercises. 8.1 8.2 Speaking. Listening: top Speaking exercise. T2 Interview international directors. with a film director. 5 6