To take place иметь место, происходить
Family семейство
To divide into делить (ся) на
Purpose цель
According to в соответствии с (по)
Laying down fat жирующая рыба
Pick condition нагульная рыба
Filling or spent нерестующая или отнерестованная
According to fat contant по упитанности
Fatty хорошо упитанная
Medium средней упитанности
Lean тощая
Predatory on other fish хищная
Benthos флора и фауна морского дна
Vegetable matter растительная пища
Bream лещ
Method of capture способ лова
Trawled траловая
Netted сетная
Seined неводная
Вариант 2
Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
The body of fish contains many different chemicals, mainly proteins, fat, water
and certain minerals. These are the basic constituents of the tissues and organs. The
physical properties of fish, its flavour and nutritive value depend on the substances
contained in it. when dead fish are stored, they gradually develop and accumulate
a number of new chemical substances – breakdown products of proteins and fat. Ac-
cording to the content of these, it is possible to judge how fresh fish is and whether it is
fit for human consumption.
The elementary chemical composition is the content of different chemical ele-
ments. Their presence in fish is determined by their presence in the surrounding water
and in the food taken by fish (plankton, benthos). Numerous analyses show that there
are substantial differences in the chemical composition of different species. Moreover,
the chemical composition of the fish of the same species is variable and may show
considerable differences according to their age, sex and habitat, and to the time of
a year (fishing season). Seasonal variation in chemical composition may be considera-
ble and are therefore an important factor when estimating catches and deciding the best
use to be made of them.
To take place иметь место, происходить Family семейство To divide into делить (ся) на Purpose цель According to в соответствии с (по) Laying down fat жирующая рыба Pick condition нагульная рыба Filling or spent нерестующая или отнерестованная According to fat contant по упитанности Fatty хорошо упитанная Medium средней упитанности Lean тощая Predatory on other fish хищная Benthos флора и фауна морского дна Vegetable matter растительная пища Bream лещ Method of capture способ лова Trawled траловая Netted сетная Seined неводная Вариант 2 Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF FISH The body of fish contains many different chemicals, mainly proteins, fat, water and certain minerals. These are the basic constituents of the tissues and organs. The physical properties of fish, its flavour and nutritive value depend on the substances contained in it. when dead fish are stored, they gradually develop and accumulate a number of new chemical substances – breakdown products of proteins and fat. Ac- cording to the content of these, it is possible to judge how fresh fish is and whether it is fit for human consumption. The elementary chemical composition is the content of different chemical ele- ments. Their presence in fish is determined by their presence in the surrounding water and in the food taken by fish (plankton, benthos). Numerous analyses show that there are substantial differences in the chemical composition of different species. Moreover, the chemical composition of the fish of the same species is variable and may show considerable differences according to their age, sex and habitat, and to the time of a year (fishing season). Seasonal variation in chemical composition may be considera- ble and are therefore an important factor when estimating catches and deciding the best use to be made of them. 33
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