Английский язык: Сборник текстов и упражнений для студентов специальностей "Промышленное рыболовство". Дьякова Н.П. - 57 стр.



tank; raceways are used in hatcheries; to maintain densities up to …, to expose fish con-
tinuously to the same water during the growing period; to exchange water completely; to
place in a natural environment; cage culture is conducted in freshwater environments;
net-pens are used in the marine environment; to withstand storms without damage.
Держать рыбу постоянно в одной воде в период роста; наполнять пруд водой;
выдерживать шторм без повреждений; ступенчатые уклоны; менять воду пол-
ностью; садки применяют в морской среде; удалять воду полностью; помещать
в естественную (природную) среду; узкий и длинный канал или круглый танк;
поддерживать высокую плотность до ….; иметь дренаж; уклон стенок; лотки
используют на инкубаторных станциях; в морской среде используют садки (се-
тевые); в пресноводной среде используют садок (изолятор, клетку).
2. Answer the questions:
1. What is a typical pond?
2. What should a well designed pond have?
3. What are raceways?
4. What are raceways used for?
5. Is the water exchanged in raceways or not?
6. What is the difference between cages and net pens?
3. Summarize the text.
4. Translate into Russian using a dictionary.
Once the species for culture has been selected and the culture system has been con-
structed and stocked, aquaculturists must address various management concerns. In
terms of things that should be monitored by the aquaculturists, perhaps the most impor-
tant water quality variables are temperature, dissolved oxygen and ammonia. Other va-
riables can be important under certain circumstances, but the three mentioned generally
provide a good indication of the performance of the animals in the culture system.
Aquaculture species are all “cold-blooded” or poikilothermic. That means that their
body temperatures are virtually the same as the temperature of the water that sur-
rounds them. Basically, there are two primary types of culture species with respect to
temperature: warm water species and cold water species. Carps, tilapia, channel cat-
fish and freshwater shrimp are examples of warm water species. Trout, salmon and
American lobsters are examples of cold water species. The optimum temperature for
warm-water species tends to be about 86
F (30
С), while that for coldwater species is
often 59
F (15
C). Some species of aquaculture interest, such as the yellow perch,
have temperature optima between the warm and coldwater species and are known as
mid range species. Few mid-range species are currently being cultured.
When temperature changes dramatically, and in particular, when it moves out of the
optimum range, aquaticanimals are placed under strees. It is at such times that disease
resistance is lowered and problems often arise. Knowledge of the temperature re-
tank; raceways are used in hatcheries; to maintain densities up to …, to expose fish con-
tinuously to the same water during the growing period; to exchange water completely; to
place in a natural environment; cage culture is conducted in freshwater environments;
net-pens are used in the marine environment; to withstand storms without damage.
Держать рыбу постоянно в одной воде в период роста; наполнять пруд водой;
выдерживать шторм без повреждений; ступенчатые уклоны; менять воду пол-
ностью; садки применяют в морской среде; удалять воду полностью; помещать
в естественную (природную) среду; узкий и длинный канал или круглый танк;
поддерживать высокую плотность до ….; иметь дренаж; уклон стенок; лотки
используют на инкубаторных станциях; в морской среде используют садки (се-
тевые); в пресноводной среде используют садок (изолятор, клетку).
2. Answer the questions:
1. What is a typical pond?
2. What should a well designed pond have?
3. What are raceways?
4. What are raceways used for?
5. Is the water exchanged in raceways or not?
6. What is the difference between cages and net pens?
 3. Summarize the text.
 4. Translate into Russian using a dictionary.


Once the species for culture has been selected and the culture system has been con-
structed and stocked, aquaculturists must address various management concerns. In
terms of things that should be monitored by the aquaculturists, perhaps the most impor-
tant water quality variables are temperature, dissolved oxygen and ammonia. Other va-
riables can be important under certain circumstances, but the three mentioned generally
provide a good indication of the performance of the animals in the culture system.
Aquaculture species are all “cold-blooded” or poikilothermic. That means that their
body temperatures are virtually the same as the temperature of the water that sur-
rounds them. Basically, there are two primary types of culture species with respect to
temperature: warm water species and cold water species. Carps, tilapia, channel cat-
fish and freshwater shrimp are examples of warm water species. Trout, salmon and
American lobsters are examples of cold water species. The optimum temperature for
warm-water species tends to be about 860F (300 С), while that for coldwater species is
often 590F (150C). Some species of aquaculture interest, such as the yellow perch,
have temperature optima between the warm and coldwater species and are known as
mid range species. Few mid-range species are currently being cultured.
When temperature changes dramatically, and in particular, when it moves out of the
optimum range, aquaticanimals are placed under strees. It is at such times that disease
resistance is lowered and problems often arise. Knowledge of the temperature re-
