Welcome to the computer world. Practice materials for 1st year students. Еранина Т.И - 8 стр.



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One more advantage of microelectronics is that smaller de-
vices consume less power. In space satellites and spaceships this is a
very important factor.
Another benefit resulting from microelectronics is the reduc-
tion of distances between circuit components. Packing density
increased with the appearance of small-scale integrated circuit,
medium-scale IС, large-scale IС and very-large-scale IС. The change in
scale was measured by the number of transistors on a chip. There
appeared a new type of integrated circuits, microwave integrated
circuit. The evolution of microwave IС began with the development of
planar transmission lines. Then new IС components in a fineline
transmission line appeared. Other more exotic techniques, such as
dielectric waveguide integrated circuits emerged.
Microelectronic technique is continuing to displace other
modes. Circuit patterns are being formed with radiation having
wavelength shorter than those of light.
Electronics has extended man's intellectual power. Micro-
electronics extends that power still further.
Task 8. Answer the questions about the text:
1. What would you say about electronics? 2. Why is the development of
electronics called a revolution? 3. What is microelectronics? 4. What
techniques does microelectronics use? 5. What is the benefit of
reducing the size of circuit elements? 6. What do you understand by
the term of microminiaturization? 7. What does the speed of the signal
response depend on? 8. What advantages of microelectronics do you
know? 9.What scales of integration are known to you? 10. How are
microelectronics techniques developing?
Task 9. Find the equivalents in the text:
Интенсивные усилия; увеличить надежность; увеличить параметры;
уменьшить размер и стоимость; вряд ли кто-нибудь мог
прогнозировать; количественные и качественные изменения;
область науки; пленочная технология; полупроводниковый
метод; сокращать элементы схемы; суть миниатюризации в том,
что; создать схемы с долгим сроком службы; чрезвычайно
высокая скорость реакции; чем меньше, тем быстрее;
преимущество; расходовать энергию; польза; уменьшение
расстояния между элементами схемы; большая интегральная
схема; микроволновая интегральная схема; волновод; линия
передач; смещать; изображение схем; расширять возможности

                    One more advantage of microelectronics is that smaller de-
         vices consume less power. In space satellites and spaceships this is a
         very important factor.
                     Another benefit resulting from microelectronics is the reduc-
         tion of distances between circuit components. Packing density
         increased with the appearance of small-scale integrated circuit,
         medium-scale IС, large-scale IС and very-large-scale IС. The change in
         scale was measured by the number of transistors on a chip. There
         appeared a new type of integrated circuits, microwave integrated
         circuit. The evolution of microwave IС began with the development of
         planar transmission lines. Then new IС components in a fineline
         transmission line appeared. Other more exotic techniques, such as
         dielectric waveguide integrated circuits emerged.
                     Microelectronic technique is continuing to displace other
         modes. Circuit patterns are being formed with radiation having
         wavelength shorter than those of light.
                    Electronics has extended man's intellectual power. Micro-
         electronics extends that power still further.

Task 8. Answer the questions about the text:

        1. What would you say about electronics? 2. Why is the development of
         electronics called a revolution? 3. What is microelectronics? 4. What
         techniques does microelectronics use? 5. What is the benefit of
         reducing the size of circuit elements? 6. What do you understand by
         the term of microminiaturization? 7. What does the speed of the signal
         response depend on? 8. What advantages of microelectronics do you
         know? 9.What scales of integration are known to you? 10. How are
         microelectronics techniques developing?

Task 9. Find the equivalents in the text:

         Интенсивные усилия; увеличить надежность; увеличить параметры;
         уменьшить размер и стоимость; вряд ли кто-нибудь мог
         прогнозировать; количественные и качественные изменения;
         область науки; пленочная технология; полупроводниковый
         метод; сокращать элементы схемы; суть миниатюризации в том,
         что; создать схемы с долгим сроком службы; чрезвычайно
         высокая скорость реакции; чем меньше, тем быстрее;
         преимущество; расходовать энергию; польза; уменьшение
         расстояния между элементами схемы; большая интегральная
         схема; микроволновая интегральная схема; волновод; линия
         передач; смещать; изображение схем; расширять возможности