Методические указания к вводно-фонетическому корректировочному курсу английского языка для студентов I курса. Евтухова Е.А. - 23 стр.



3.The poorest truth is bettes than the richest lie.
4. A foreign accent is a very great drawback.
5. When at Rome do as the Romans do.
6. Every cook praises his own broth.
[ ]
How Do You Do ?
- How do you do, Hatty? 1. The hammerman hammers the hammers
- How do you do? On the hard highroad.
- I hope you are very well, Hatty. 2. The horn of a hunter was heard on the hill.
- I hope you are too. 3. Healthful habits make healthy body.
4. My heart’s in the Highlands
My heart is not here.
[ ]
Why do you cry. Willie? 1. Whether it rains or whether it snows,
Why do you cry? We shall have weather, whether or no.
Why, Willy? Why, Willie? 2. It is not work that kills, it’s worry.
Why, Willie? Why? 3. Wishes don’t wash dishes.
Whenever we meet you 4. We never know the value of water
There’s a tear in your eye. Until the well is dry.
Why, Willie? Why, Willie? 5. William always wears a very warm
Why Willie? Why? woollen vest in winter;
Victor, however, will never wear woollen
underwear, even in the Wild West.
6. No sweet without some sweat.
7. Oh, what a tangle web we weave,
when first we practise to deceive.
tangle - путаница
web - паутина
deceive - обман
[ ]
Good Morning
Good morning, good morning, 1. The singer sang a nice song -
Good morning to you! Ting - a - long, ting - a - long.
3.The poorest truth is bettes than the richest lie.
4. A foreign accent is a very great drawback.
5. When at Rome do as the Romans do.
6. Every cook praises his own broth.

[      ]

How Do You Do ?

-   How do you do, Hatty?                1. The hammerman hammers the hammers
-   How do you do?                          On the hard highroad.
-   I hope you are very well, Hatty.     2. The horn of a hunter was heard on the hill.
-   I hope you are too.                  3. Healthful habits make healthy body.
                                        4. My heart’s in the Highlands
                                           My heart is not here.

[      ]

Why do you cry. Willie?                 1. Whether it rains or whether it snows,
Why do you cry?                           We shall have weather, whether or no.
Why, Willy? Why, Willie?                 2. It is not work that kills, it’s worry.
Why, Willie? Why?                       3. Wishes don’t wash dishes.
Whenever we meet you                    4. We never know the value of water
There’s a tear in your eye.                Until the well is dry.
Why, Willie? Why, Willie?                5. William always wears a very warm
Why Willie? Why?                           woollen vest in winter;
                                          Victor, however, will never wear woollen
                                           underwear, even in the Wild West.
                                       6. No sweet without some sweat.
                                       7. Oh, what a tangle web we weave,
                                          when first we practise to deceive.

tangle - путаница
web - паутина
deceive - обман

[      ]

Good Morning

Good morning, good morning,               1. The singer sang a nice song -
Good morning to you!                        Ting - a - long, ting - a - long.
