I. Choose among the activities those that you can do in
summer in the country.
1. go boating 6. watch a football match
2. go sightseeing 7. sunbathe
3. go fishing 8. enjoy fresh air
4. go swimming 9. climb mountains
5. go to the theatre 10. ride merry-go-round
II. Guess the meaning of the following words
fund (n)
III. Scan the text and decide which paragraph deals with
a) the age when children can start visiting the camp and live
with a host family
b) a number of children who can rest at a camp annually
c) what children are taught to do
d) the date when fresh Air Find program started
e) a child’s impression of the camp
f) the aim of the Fresh Air Fund program
Summer in the Country
1. “Before I came here”, one child said, “I thought
swimming was running through an open fire hydrant.”
2. “Here” is a summer camp that’s only an hour from New
York City – but a world away. This camp and four others
nearby are run by the Fresh Air Fund. Since 1877, the fund
has helped poor children from New York City spend
summers in the country. Each year, over ten thousand
children, ages 6 to 18, participate in the program. Some
stay at a camp; others live with a host family. The fund
pays for all expenses.
3. The camps are for 8-to 15-year-olds. At camp, children
can learn about the stars, see deer and cows and other
animals, and go hiking, fishing, and of course, swimming.
The children learn responsibility by helping out with chores
like making beds and waiting on tables. They also learn a
lot from counselors, who are often college students from
around the United States and from other countries.
4. Host families from thirteen states and Canada volunteer
to have children spend the summer with them. Many of
these families have their own children. The visiting
children become part of the family. They go with the
family on picnics, to the pool or beach, and on trips. The
children are from 6 to 12 years old when they make their
first visit, and most are invited back. Some of the children
and families become friends for life.
Word Power
IV. Find words in the text with the following meanings
a) small duties in the home
b) to take part in
c) pipe from a water-main with a hose for street-cleaning,
putting out fires etc.
d) cost
e) going for a long walk in the country for pleasure
f) children’s leaders at camp
g) are organized
V. Read the text again and decide if they are true or false.
Mark T if the sentence is true, mark F if the sentence is
I. Choose among the activities those that you can do in children, ages 6 to 18, participate in the program. Some summer in the country. stay at a camp; others live with a host family. The fund 1. go boating 6. watch a football match pays for all expenses. 2. go sightseeing 7. sunbathe 3. The camps are for 8-to 15-year-olds. At camp, children 3. go fishing 8. enjoy fresh air can learn about the stars, see deer and cows and other 4. go swimming 9. climb mountains animals, and go hiking, fishing, and of course, swimming. 5. go to the theatre 10. ride merry-go-round The children learn responsibility by helping out with chores like making beds and waiting on tables. They also learn a II. Guess the meaning of the following words lot from counselors, who are often college students from around the United States and from other countries. fund (n) 4. Host families from thirteen states and Canada volunteer volunteer(n) to have children spend the summer with them. Many of state(n) these families have their own children. The visiting children become part of the family. They go with the Reading family on picnics, to the pool or beach, and on trips. The III. Scan the text and decide which paragraph deals with children are from 6 to 12 years old when they make their first visit, and most are invited back. Some of the children a) the age when children can start visiting the camp and live and families become friends for life. with a host family b) a number of children who can rest at a camp annually Word Power c) what children are taught to do IV. Find words in the text with the following meanings d) the date when fresh Air Find program started a) small duties in the home e) a child’s impression of the camp b) to take part in f) the aim of the Fresh Air Fund program c) pipe from a water-main with a hose for street-cleaning, putting out fires etc. Summer in the Country d) cost e) going for a long walk in the country for pleasure 1. “Before I came here”, one child said, “I thought f) children’s leaders at camp swimming was running through an open fire hydrant.” g) are organized 2. “Here” is a summer camp that’s only an hour from New York City – but a world away. This camp and four others V. Read the text again and decide if they are true or false. nearby are run by the Fresh Air Fund. Since 1877, the fund Mark T if the sentence is true, mark F if the sentence is has helped poor children from New York City spend false summers in the country. Each year, over ten thousand
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