Early Russian History. Key Issues. Гончарова Л.Ю. - 35 стр.



Vocabulary work
Read and memorize the following words and expressions, suggest their
Russian equivalents:
esprit de corps (франц .)
labor shortage
exodus, n
plight, n (e.g. the plight of peasants)
peasantry, n
secular, adj
ecclesiastical, adj (=clerical)
tenant, n
flee, v (fled, fled)
creditor, n (ant.: debtor)
blackmail, n (v)
vulnerable, adj
armistice, n
pop up, v
entanglement, n
heir, n (e.g. a legitimate heir)
conspiracy, n
pretender, n
retinue, n
machination, n
underprivileged, adj
oppressed, adj
savior, n (the Savior)
connivance, n
friar, n
indignity, n (=humiliation)
headquarters, n
insurgent, n (adj)
cession, n
besiege, v
the common folk
inviolability, n
wholesale, n (adj) (e.g. a wholesale cattle
militia, n
intruder, n
sever, v (e.g. to sever ties, relationship)
joint action
impoverishment, n
Questions for discussion
Comment on the following:
1. What factors dragged the country into the Time of Troubles? Is it doomed to
be a general rule that after any great period in the history of a country there follows a
period of weakness and confusion?
2. A phenomenon of pretenders: why are people prone to believe?
3. Would you, following the authors view, call the popular movement of the
early 17
century in Russia a revolution?
4. Is there really the old Russian deep-rooted tradition of passive submission?
What are its roots?
Составитель Гончарова Любовь Юрьевна
Редактор Бунина Т . Д .
                                Vocabulary work

     Read and memorize the following words and expressions, suggest their
Russian equivalents:

esprit de corps (франц.)                     machination, n
labor shortage                               underprivileged, adj
exodus, n                                    oppressed, adj
plight, n (e.g. the plight of peasants)      savior, n (the Savior)
peasantry, n                                 connivance, n
secular, adj                                 friar, n
ecclesiastical, adj (=clerical)              indignity, n (=humiliation)
tenant, n                                    headquarters, n
flee, v (fled, fled)                         insurgent, n (adj)
creditor, n (ant.: debtor)                   cession, n
blackmail, n (v)                             besiege, v
vulnerable, adj                              the common folk
armistice, n                                 inviolability, n
Pseudo-Dmitry                                wholesale, n (adj) (e.g. a wholesale cattle
pop up, v                                               dealer)
entanglement, n                              militia, n
heir, n (e.g. a legitimate heir)             intruder, n
conspiracy, n                                sever, v (e.g. to sever ties, relationship)
pretender, n                                 joint action
retinue, n                                   impoverishment, n

                          Questions for discussion

       Comment on the following:
       1. What factors dragged the country into the Time of Troubles? Is it doomed to
be a general rule that after any great period in the history of a country there follows a
period of weakness and confusion?
       2. A phenomenon of pretenders: why are people prone to believe?
       3. Would you, following the author’s view, call the popular movement of the
early 17th century in Russia a revolution?
       4. Is there really the old Russian deep-rooted tradition of passive submission?
What are its roots?

      Составитель Гончарова Любовь Юрьевна
      Редактор Бунина Т.Д.