Америка в прошлом и настоящем. Часть I. Горчакова Е.П - 13 стр.


H. For an afternoon of sports, which would you choose?
1. riding across trails on a beautiful horse
2. traveling down the river on a kayak
3. crossing snowy hills on a dogsled
II. Review the information given in the text. Then in one well-developed
paragraph, tell the class that information which appeals to you most of all.
III. Using Internet sources, find more information about the life of Native
American tribes and the early development of Native American Culture. Then in
class make an interesting presentation.
Unit II
Treasures from the East: Europe Awakens
Prereading Task
Toward the end of the thirteenth century, who controlled the largest amount of
area around the Mediterranean Sea? What effect do you think this had on the
Europeans who wanted to trade with China? What Chinese articles do you think
were especially valued in Europe?
1. For thousands of years before the voyage of Columbus, Native American
culture had been developing in the Americas. Across the Atlantic, meanwhile,
civilization was evolving
in both Europe and Africa. And in the Far East, great
cultures were developing during these same centuries. Long before 1492, wars, trade,
and exploration had established communication among Europe, Northern Africa,
the Middle East, and the Orient. Since 10,000 B.C., however, (except for the
Scandinavian visit) there had been no known communication between these areas
and America.
2. Finally, in the fifteenth century, the two halves of the world came into
contact. Events in the Eastern Hemisphere (Europe, Africa, and Asia) sent European
explorers out, at last, into the great Atlantic. Across that ocean, unknown to these
explorers, lay the two continents of the Western Hemisphere. When Columbus
reached America, therefore, he did more than discover a new world. He brought
together the history of five continents.
evolve: develop slowly
           H. For an afternoon of sports, which would you choose?
           1. riding across trails on a beautiful horse
           2. traveling down the river on a kayak
           3. crossing snowy hills on a dogsled
II. Review the information given in the text. Then in one well-developed
paragraph, tell the class that information which appeals to you most of all.
III. Using Internet sources, find more information about the life of Native
American tribes and the early development of Native American Culture. Then in
class make an interesting presentation.

                                           Unit II
                         Treasures from the East: Europe Awakens

Prereading Task
Toward the end of the thirteenth century, who controlled the largest amount of
area around the Mediterranean Sea? What effect do you think this had on the
Europeans who wanted to trade with China? What Chinese articles do you think
were especially valued in Europe?

1.     For thousands of years before the voyage of Columbus, Native American
culture had been developing in the Americas. Across the Atlantic, meanwhile,
civilization was evolving1 in both Europe and Africa. And in the Far East, great
cultures were developing during these same centuries. Long before 1492, wars, trade,
and exploration had established communication among Europe, Northern Africa,
the Middle East, and the Orient. Since 10,000 B.C., however, (except for the
Scandinavian visit) there had been no known communication between these areas
and America.
2.     Finally, in the fifteenth century, the two halves of the world came into
contact. Events in the Eastern Hemisphere (Europe, Africa, and Asia) sent European
explorers out, at last, into the great Atlantic. Across that ocean, unknown to these
explorers, lay the two continents of the Western Hemisphere. When Columbus
reached America, therefore, he did more than discover a new world. He brought
together the history of five continents.

    evolve: develop slowly
