Английский язык. Горчакова Е.П - 7 стр.


primary motives
emotion which measures the
degree to which an individual is
involved in the emotional
8. emotions
pertaining to other
h) relatively mild emotional
states that tend to color and
ervade a persons entire
9. emotions
pertaining to self-
i) a class of emotions which
have to do with inner standards of
10. emotions
pertaining to sensory
j) physiological changes
accompanying emotional
11. expressive
k) the extent to which a
feeling is mixed with other often
conflicting emotions
12. hedonic tone
l) the dimension of an
emotional experience which
measure the impulse to action
13. intensity of
m) emotions which are
decidedly central to the self
14. level of
n) this term has the same
meaning as bodily cues
15. moods
o) the view that identifies all
emotion as involving a generalized
state of physiological arousal
16. primary
p) a class of emotions ar
mainly in connection with the
persons perceived relations with
other people
17. somatic cues
q) emotions linked with
pleasant or unpleasant
stimulation of the senses
5. Fill in the correct word from the list:
Primary, innate, main, internal, emotional, entire, current,
physiological, rational, sensory, social, roughly, hedonic,
biological, goal-directed.
1________experience 6________living 11________emotions
2 ________ self 7________disturbance
12 ________ tone

primary motives                  emotion     which     measures     the
                                 degree to which an individual is
                                 involved      in     the     emotional
     8.          emotions              h) relatively mild emotional
pertaining      to other         states that tend to color and
people                           pervade      a      person’s    entire
     9.       emotions                 i) a class of emotions which
pertaining   to   self-          have to do with inner standards of
appraisal                        conduct
     10.      emotions                 j)     physiological changes
pertaining to sensory            accompanying                 emotional
stimulation                      experience
     11.    expressive                 k)   the extent to which a
cues                             feeling is mixed with other often
                                 conflicting emotions
    12. hedonic tone                   l) the dimension of an
                                 emotional        experience     which
                                 measure the impulse to action
      13. intensity         of         m)      emotions which are
feeling                          decidedly central to the self
      14.    level          of         n) this term has the same
tension                          meaning as bodily cues
      15. moods                        o) the view that identifies all
                                 emotion as involving a generalized
                                 state of physiological arousal
    16.            primary             p) a class of emotions arising
emotions                         mainly in connection with the
                                 person’s perceived relations with
                                 other people
    17. somatic cues                   q)    emotions linked with
                                 pleasant          or      unpleasant
                                 stimulation of the senses

    5 . Fi l l i n t h e c o r r ec t wo r d f r o m t h e l i st :

     Primary, innate, main, internal, emotional, entire, current,
physiological, rational, sensory, social, roughly, hedonic,
biological, goal-directed.
1________experience        6________living      11________emotions
2 ________ self            7________disturbance 12 ________ tone