Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 15 стр.


Text 1 (A). History of Electronics
Electronics is one of the main sciences and it surrounds us everywhere.
Electronics was born in the 19
century and first established itself in wireless
telegraphy. For a long time afterwards it was used only for the purpose of
More intensive development of radiolocation began in the earliest forties.
All these years the vacuum tube was the heart of electronics.
The first semiconductor device – a transistor – was invented in 1948. It
meant another important advance in the development of electronics, because
semiconductors possessed much more valuable advantages over electron
vacuum tubes. Thus, electronics became the study of electron motion in vacuum,
solid bodies and gasses.
This opened up new fields of application. Complex electronic systems control
the work of the largest plants and power stations. Electronic computers capable
of performing the most complex mathematical calculations are now widely
used in scientific research. The latest models of electronic machines perform
such operations as calculating the most accurate designs of jet-planes and the
longest trajectories of artificial Earth satellites, telling the fishermen where the
catch is the biggest, speed regulation, automatic control, etc.
Today electronics has started a new era. Different electronic devices and
instruments have taken the place of man. Some industries such as the
manufacture of goods are controlled by electronic robots. Planes and rockets
are also electronically controlled. Electronic computers are becoming very
good at routine clerical work in offices and factories. Progress in space research
would be impossible without computers making thousands of operations per
Text 1 (B). Electronics as a Science
Electronics as a science studies the properties of electrons, the laws of their
motion, the laws of transformation of various kinds of energy.
Electronics is a science, which deals with devices and instruments that are
operated by the control of the movement of electric charges in a vacuum, in
gasses, or in semiconductors; or with the processing of information or the
control of energy by such devices. This definition covers the whole complex