Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 20 стр.


since a negative electron is missing, the hole can be said to have a positive
Semiconductor materials in which conduction is due to a flow of electrons
are called n-type materials and those in which conduction is due to the
movement of positive holes are called p-type.
Вариант 2
1. Вставьте в предложения глагол to be в форме единственного
или множественного числа is/are.
1. Where … the money? 2. His trousers … too large for him. 3. Mathematics
… my poorest subject. 4. His savings … in the bank. 5. Those glasses … his.
2. Употребите в данных предложениях личные местоимения.
1. This is my new coat. Look at … . 2. My uncle is old. He wants to live
with … and my parents. 3. How is your nephew? Say “Hi” to … . 4. You are
ill, Pete. We want to be with … in the evening. 5. Mary and I are good
students, so our teacher likes … . 6. Linda isn’t here. Can I give … a message?
3. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями в про-
стой или абсолютной форме.
1. I have a dog. The dog is … . 2. I have a piano in … room. 3. Tell him
not to forget … paper, she must not forget …, either. 4. I managed to keep …
books dry, but you got … wet, I see. 5. Sarah is dressed very well. Most of …
clothes are expensive. 6. Jim has left. These cannot be … keys.
4. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, обращая
внимание на перевод неопределенных местоимений и наречий.
1. Some electronic devices find wide application in every house. 2. You
will find this material nowhere but in the encyclopedia. 3. Something happened
to my computer. It doesn’t work. 4. Any result in our experiment will be of
great importance for the whole research. 5. If you have no money, you cannot
buy anything. 6. She said nothing. 7. There was no one in the room.
5. Напишите форму множественного числа от данных существи-
piano, knife, woman, child, deer, classroom, manservant, brother-in-law,
bench, day, trout
6. Поставьте выделенные существительные во множественном
числе. Произведите все необходимые изменения.
1. This is an English dictionary. 2. The last leaf fell from the tree. 3.
Where is the brush? 4. The roof of the house with covered with snow. 5.
There is a sheep in the field. 6. There is an angry wolf in the forest.