Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 83 стр.


distance between the plates and the nature of dielectric insulating the plates.
Capacitance is measured in Farads.
(1735 t. un.)
apart from – вне
first of all – прежде всего
Text 4. Elements of Electric and Radio Circuits
An electric circuit is a path along which electricity can flow. An electric
circuit consists of a source of energy or power source, a receiver of energy
and two conductors connecting the receiver and the power source terminals.
The electric source produces the necessary electromotive force (e. m. f. )
required for the flow of current through the circuit. The circuit should be
complete; otherwise no electric current can flow through it. If the circuit is
broken or “opened”, the Fundamentally, two types of circuits are possible,
according to the way in which the circuit elements are joined. To understand
the difference between the circuit connections is not difficult. When electrical
devices are connected one after another so that the current flows successively
through each element, we say they are connected in series. Under such
conditions the current flow is the same in all parts of the circuit, as there is
only a single path along which it may flow. The electric bell circuit is a typical
example of a series circuit.
The parallel circuit provides two or more paths for electric current. The
parallel circuit elements are connected side by side
in such a way
that the
total current flowing through the circuit is the sum of currents flowing through
each circuit element individually. The lamps in your room are generally
connected in parallel.
Any radio circuit is an electric circuit including radioelements. Radio differs
from other means of communication in the means used to connect the
transmitting and receiving points. The basic elements of any radio system are
a transmitter used for generating radio frequency, a modulator used for
impressing intelligence upon the carrier, and a transmitting antenna used for
radiating the modulated carrier wave. At the receiving end there must be a
receiving antenna, a receiver and a loudspeaker.
(1640 t. un.)
side by side – рядом
in such a way – таким образом